I've just discovered that the current version of mc for the 800 has the ssh "shell link" filesystem! Wonderful! I believe that was missing when I put mc on my 770 last year. On the 770, I diddled some trying to get nfs mounts working but did not succeed. Bottom line: I had no real convenient way to move files to and from the Nokia without hooking up via USB. Now, I find I can ssh into the 800, run mc, do a "shell link" mount and move files (audio is my immediate interest) around at will. With a real display and a real keyboard. I'm working Linux on both ends, of course. Great stuff! I notice that Canola seems not to handle .ogg. I wonder if there is a fix for that? -- Willie, ONWARD! Through the fog! http://counter.li.org Linux registered user #228836 since 1995 Debian3.1/GNU/Linux system uptime 381 days 16 hours 19 minutes