I finally figured out this File Manager bluetooth issue. The goal is to get the Bluetooth virtual file system that is displayed in the File Manager app on the N800 to connect and show files on a laptop running kubuntu dapper. The problem is that kubuntu, at least as it was configured at startup, does not offer nor advertise the OBEX FTP service, which is different than the OBEX OPUSH service. The N800 File Manager seems to only want OBEX FTP. I couldn't find a kde program that offered this and that did this properly, but sobexsrv came to the rescue. You can get it from http://www.mulliner.org/bluetooth/sobexsrv.php I grabbed the debian package, which worked fine for me. After installing it, simply type sobexsrv -I -l ONPTD -s 3 -S -r /tmp/sobex -c 10 -o You may need to change some settings, but these worked for me. The command line switches used are: -I Use internal mode, which is a stand-alone daemon -l ONTPD Give lots of information in file browser -s 3 Require authentication and encryption ( use -s 1 to start out with, then try 2 and 3) -r /tmp/sobex Use /tmp/sobex as the root directory (Change this if you feel luck or irrationally secure) -c 10 Listen on rfcomm channel 10 (Leave this out to choose the lowest available port automatically) -o Don't run an OBEX OPUSH server, just OBEX FTP (so this won't interfere with kdebluetoothd) It runs in the background, so to stop it, run killall sobexsrv It seems likely that sobexsrv might work as a helper to kdebluetoothd using the sobexsrv external mode, but the documentation isn't very good on that part (the scripting section of the manual isn't there yet) so that will be explored later. Cheers, bd