I have the same problem (my unit is made in Finland). Also do developer devices come with warranty? Other question would be: can we fix this issue ourselfs? (I guess there is just a smal switch in the camera-stick?) Collin PS: my first camera app. is almost done :-) On Tue, 2007-01-30 at 16:06 +0200, Kemal Hadimli wrote: > You need to replace your device, according to this url: > http://www.internettablettalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4351 > > > On 1/30/07, Simon Budig <simon at budig.de> wrote: > > Just a quick question - does anyone else have problems with the camera? > > When - starting in the 03:00 position - I turn it around the image flips > > when the camera is in the 12:00 position, but flips back in the 11:00 > > position and stays that way, even when moving the camera fully to the > > back (which of course is unusable). > > > > I strongly suspect that this is a hardware problem, but I'd like to hear > > if anyone else has experienced this problem. > > > > I'd hate to have to send the device back... :-) > -- Collin R. Mulliner <collin at betaversion.net> BETAVERSiON Systems [www.betaversion.net] info/pgp: finger collin at betaversion.net Help Microsoft fight software piracy: Give Linux to a friend today!