Hi all, has anyone tried an KoreK attack via aircrack-ng? (http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=korek_chopchop) On my maemo device, I will get this message "ARP linktype is set to 1 (Ethernet) - expected ARPHRD_IEEE80211 or ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM instead. Make sure RFMON is enabled..." So I thought that I should set the wlan0 device in monitor mode in this way "iwconfig wlan0 mode Monitor", but after this aireplay says that the network is down. So, I tried to connect to one network via the connection manager, but there is nothing listed. Because I've done these tests at home, there should be at least my own WLAN listed. Any clues how I can get monitor mode for WLAN working? Cheers Timo