Cooking! I took my 770 to another part of my LAN and tried it on two other access points: a Belkin and a Motorola. Both worked! They allowed pings, SSH into the 770, and "apt-get update". With a real keyboard and big display, I got everything else straightened out in pretty short order. Got all the myriad repositories installed in my /etc/apt/sources.list. Installed doom. Couldn't figure out how to use dropbear ssh client, so I installed OpenSSH which worked well, both server and client. Re-installed OSSO-Term, which then worked for the first time; with repositories, it loaded some dependencies. In short, EVERYTHING works as hoped/expected. All this due to an apparent incompatibility between the 770 and my DLink DL-514 wireless router (being used only as an access point). Is there a compatibility list somewhere that I should post to? Given this information, can anyone guess what is wrong between the DLink and the 770? To re-state the problem: with the 770 and the DL, browsing worked, but "apt-get update", ping, and ssh did not. The DL has given no such trouble on numerous laptops. My current (minor) hang up is trying to invoke <esc> and <ctrl> keys. Any help on that? Poking around the Maemo file structure, I didn't find a syslog; is there such? I have a 2gig memory card on the way and look forward to loading it up. Can anyone give me any guidance on adding radio stations to the radio playing feature? Thanks for all patience, suggestions, and considerations! -- Willie, ONWARD! Through the fog! Linux registered user #228836 since 1995 Debian3.1/GNU/Linux system uptime 187 days 3 hours 27 minutes