Hi, since updating to SU-18_2006SE_1.2006.26-8_PR_F5_MR0_ARM.bin (md5sum = 6d3ac7a2ce6a1...) there is a weird screen problem here: It seems that certain dark or colored vertical lines bleed up and down (2939.jpg), and when i open the video player, i get a wobbly greyish screen (2935.jpg). The pictures are here: http://www.circuitwizard.de/misc/2935.jpg http://www.circuitwizard.de/misc/2939.jpg Also the blue NOKIA greeting letters on white background had blue tails going up, but this effect is now much less visible, it's still there but too faint for a photo. It seems that these effects might have something to do with temperature. The effects shown in the two photos are persisting. Questions: Are these blemishes again a matter of just a faulty screen? Has anybody else observed similar effects? The coincidence with updating (and i did it twice to be sure, but no difference) makes me wonder whether this might also be software, i. e. some wrong internal parameter for the screen settings? I couldn't find any LCD contrast setting panel---only brightness, but this doesn't change anything as it affects only the light. Or should i just send in the NOKIA 770 for warranty repair? Regards, Hartmut