Joey Kelly wrote: > Ideas? I think you have installed the last 2005 version, which was released in 2006. Install the last version, the 2006SE (still in beta version). You can download it from [1]. It is not yet available in the Software Upgrade section in because it is a version, and it is not intended for the final user. However, I can tell you that I find it quite stable, and with a lot of improvements. So my recommendation is to install it. Israel PD: You will need the MAC address of your device to download it from the link below. [1] -- Israel Herraiz | Libre Software Engineering Lab (GSyC) israel.herraiz at | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos | Edif. Departamental II - Despacho 118 Telf: (+34) 91 488 8523 | c/Tulip?n s/n 28933 M?stoles (Madrid)