On Mon, 2006-06-12 at 10:16 +0200, ext Fabio Forno wrote: > On 6/11/06, Fabio Forno <fabio.forno at gmail.com> wrote: > I've bought a new 770 and the device refuses to go standby, > switching itself off after 30 seconds of inactivity and > forcing me to reboot each time. I've tried to flash the last > image from Nokia, but the problem still remains. Is there a > way for controlling the standby behaviour or anybody else > noticed the same problem (I've found nothing about it in the > ML)? > > > One more detail about this issue. When I try to force it to go stanby > by sending the command "echo -n standby > /sys/power/state" the device > turns off and for few seconds it is also impossible to turn it on > pressing the power button. Do you think this may be an hardware > related issue? > > One more question: which is the purpose of the sleep_while_idle file > in the same directory? > Hi, that entry enables/disables _the_ power saving feature of 770, which is, surprise, surprise, sleeping while idle, meaning that it is not suspend-based. Therefore you don't have to do anything with /sys/power/state. Btw, have you tried tapping on the screen when it "switches itself off"? And if that doesn't help, do you get any low battery message? Cheers, Igor Igor Stoppa (Nokia M - OSSO / Tampere)