Apologies in advance for the butchered email formatting. /home/user/.osso_rss_feed_reade/feedlist.opml should be the file that you want to look at. -JMills ________________________________ From: maemo-users-bounces at maemo.org on behalf of Bob Clay Sent: Wed 01-Mar-06 14:53 To: maemo-users at maemo.org Subject: [maemo-users] Where is the news reader feeds file? I've been using an RSS reader on a PC for years and have a large list of feeds that I monitor. It is trivial to get them in a standard opml format (Outline Processor Markup Language) for import into other readers but I can't figure how to import them into the Nokia 770. I don't want to have to manually reenter several dozen sites. Where is the news reader feeds file stored? Bob Clay