To be honest I don't know how I should think about this review at all. Calling myself a happy linux desktop/server user using it exclusivly for almost anything I do since back in 2000 I really love the 770 - its design allows application development with almost no changes to software and thanks to Nokia's support you get the complete development enviroment for free. Furthermore all features are available to Linux users too, even flashing the device from Linux is possible. On the other side there are some things bothering me like: * The slow UI (you can't even scroll a table or list without getting artifacts, windows need >200ms to repaint when switching between applications or making a dialog transparent) * The Browser: For sure this browser is best-in-class, but I also ran into the "out of memory" problems, I saw some crashes. * The cheap connectors: I like my 770 so much - I use it almost daily for all&everything. My headphone connector shows the first problems, it looks like a cheap connector simply soldered onto the board without any fixation. And whats about the power plug ... is that a joke ;) (btw. I would like to repair this myself since nokia gave me my device more or less for free, so I do not want to send it back at their costs. Does anybody know where to get instructions howto open the case?). lg Clemens