Re: lvm2 weirdness in Fedora 40

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On Sun, 2025-02-16 at 15:45 -0600, Roger Heflin wrote:
> The first thing I would do is change the mount line to add ",nofail"
> on the options so that a failure does not drop you to single user
> mode.
> Then you can boot the system up and with the system on the network
> figure out the state of things.

I wasn't aware of this option, but I'm not sure if this is any better,
right now I can just run vgchange -ay end exit to resume the boot
process, to end up in the Gnome envronment, if add nofail to /home i
stil end up in an unussable state because gnome can't load my user's

> In the old days I have seen lvm2-lvmetad break systems on boot up in
> bizarre ways.

I'm not sure that fedora uses lvm2-lvmetad, and google isn't helping
me,  any hits i find are for red hat 9

I wonder if this is relevant:

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