Using Fedora Core 5 I had a volume group on /dev/hda3 and added a
logical volume on /dev/hde3. Didn't read the how to, didn't know it's
a no-no. Decided to play with Ubuntu, and thought I'd set up logical
volumes for it on /dev/hde2. Apparently, I wiped out the headers on /
dev/hde3 and then the entire logical group for FC5 refused to mount.
In attempting to recover the headers I've apparently wiped out the
headers for the whole volume group -- pvcreate using a recovery
option or something that I failed to follow with some generate
command, if I remember right. Also, I set up a volume group on /dev/
hde2 and loaded FC6 into that since I was feeling burned by Ubuntu at
the time.
Any guesses at how badly I'm screwed? or pointers to more information
than can be found on the how-to pages?
Not really life-or-death data lost, but I had been using it to back
up the digital camera and there were about a months worth of my kids
experiments that I don't have a backup of. Also, it would be a useful
exercise for me, in terms of gaining confidence in lvm, if there were
some way to recover the headers just from the stuff in /etc/lvm .
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