But may be you are using the redhat liblvmI'm not using the redhat pvmove (v1.0.3). I'm using pvmove 1.0.7 which I downloaded from the Sistina site. I updated the rc scripts to use 1.0.7. The volume was created totally under 1.0.7. I'm using a plain kernel (from kernel.org) 2.4.21 patched with LVM 1.0.7 (from Sistina).
[root@sauron root]# /sbin/pvmove --version pvmove: Logical Volume Manager 1.0.3 Heinz Mauelshagen, Sistina Software 19/02/2002 (IOP 10) [root@sauron root]# pvmove --version pvmove: Logical Volume Manager 1.0.7
Where is the second pvmove? Please try,
ldd /sbin/pvmove
ldd pvmove
LD_PRELOAD=<unpatchedlvmliblocation> pvmove ...
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