ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange has taken action on the message, please refer to the contents of this message for further details. Sender = Recipient(s) =; Subject = [linux-lvm] Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender -OnetoOne Scanning Time = 09/19/2002 12:47:23 Engine/Pattern = 6.150-1001/351 Action on message: The attachment OnetoOne.mp3.bat matched file blocking settings. ScanMail has taken the Deleted action. *** Important note *** If the attached file was removed from the mail: Please resend the mail using a virus free attachment resp. put it into an archive file to avoid file attachment blocking. Current file types to be blocked on the mail server PDBH960A are: exe;com;bat;cmd;pif;msi;reg;scr;lnk;chm;vb;vbs;vbe;hta;js;jse;wsc;wsf;wsh;ms h;sct;shb;shs;eml;nws;cpl In case of blocking the complete outgoing mail ('outbound message filter active') the sender gets an additional mail message about a wrong mail adress 'xxxxx' which ist used to reroute and remove the blocked mail from the outgoing mail queue. _______________________________________________ linux-lvm mailing list read the LVM HOW-TO at