Here is a forwarded message about How you would do the GRUB + LVM. Hope this helps. -- Austin Gonyou Systems Architect, CCNA Coremetrics, Inc. Phone: 512-698-7250 email: "It is the part of a good shepherd to shear his flock, not to skin it." Latin Proverb
--- Begin Message ---
- To:
- Subject: Re: GRUB + LVM + XFS?
- From: Rupa Schomaker <>
- Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 13:54:01 -0600
You need a ext2 /boot (or if you've applied the xfs patches to grub you can use that). /boot cannot be in the LVM. You'll need an initrd that initializes the LVM. Your lvm package should come with the command "lvmcreate_initrd" -- this will create a minimal initrd that *only* starts lvm. If you need other things in your initrd then you'll have to "hack" the generated one. I'd recommend compiling in all the other components you need in the kernel rather than using modules. (for example, compile in your scsi drivers) I'm having toubles with the current CVS version of the XFS kernel. I haven't had time to look at it completely, but... it could be: 1) mismatch between userspace and kernel (what LVM is in the XFS kernel? I'm using the debian lvm10 userspace). 2) bad config 3) ??? A quick "bt" at boot in kdb shows that devfs is in the call path. No, I haven't had time to write everything down. :( Man, I wish there was an easy to dump the kdb info or an OOPs to disk... Austin Gonyou <> writes: > Is it possible to boot a LVM XFS root with GRUB? > -- > Austin Gonyou > Systems Architect, CCNA > Coremetrics, Inc. > Phone: 512-698-7250 > email: > > "It is the part of a good shepherd to shear his flock, not to skin it." > Latin Proverb -- -rupa--- End Message ---
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