I'll preface this with the statement that I am not a lawyer (nor do I have a desire to become one). rlatham@plogic.com said: > sistina this week switched the license for the GFS tools from the GPL > to the SPL > http://www.sistina.com/Sistina%20Public%20License%201.0.pdf > I'm worried now that Sistina will switch the license for LVM. However, > considering there was almost a fork of the project (mostly) because of > something as "simple" as mailing list policy, i guess openLVM would > pop up again pretty quickly in that case... Is it concievable that > the kernel patches will stay GPL'ed but a more restrictive license > applied to the userspace tools ? LVM is GPL'ed and the copyright is held by a number of entities that have contributed substantial pieces of code to the project over its life. IMO, this makes it impossible to relicense LVM under a different license. Sistina has no intention of changing the existing LVM user-space tools to another license. The LVM kernel patches and use-space tools will remain under the GPL. As I said earlier, LVM is GPL'ed and has multiple copyright holders currently that protect its position as a GPL project. Sistina is committed to maintaining this status and working with the LVM community to enhance and maintain it. --- Michael Declerck, declerck@sistina.com +1.510.823.7991