Do you have any additional information pertaining to ticket 2382?
The CPU card we use in our products is going end-of-life. The CPU card
vendor send us a new card that is supposed to be a drop in replacement
(it's the same card with a newer Atom chip). The new card returns an
error when reading the coretemp:
# cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/coretemp.0/temp2_input
cat: read error: Resource temporarily unavailable
Some printk debugging yields:
ENTER show_temp
status_reg @ 19C
eax = 8620000 edx = 0
temp = 0 valid = 0
EXIT show_temp
This looks like the same issue described in your ticket 2382.
Any information you can provide will be appreciated.
Mike Gilbert
Principle Engineer
Bay Microsystems, Inc.
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