I've just been told that I've screwed up by using the 'reply' button. Apparently this caused my initial posts to become threaded into other topics instead of starting a new on which can cause confusion. I apologize for that. Anyway, here's my problem; Kernel 2.6.24 for my distro (Arch Linux) came out in the last few days. My board has a Fintek F1882g chip. It means that I can finally get voltage and fan speeds for the board, so thanks for that. I am wondering how I correctly calculate the correct offset and factors for the voltage numbers? This is what GKrellm says; Vcor1 1.66 factor 1 offset 0 Vcor2 1.24 factor 1 offset 0 +3.3v 2.83 factor 3 offset 0 +5v 4.82 factor 4.98 offset 0 +12v 3.84 factor 4.0 offset 0 -12v -4.35 factor -4.0 offset 0 -5v -1.51 factor -1.667 offset 0 in7 1.66 factor 1 offset 0 in8 1.54 factor 1 offset 0 If there's a website that I should visit can anyone supply a link?? Jim