Hello Ulrich, > I have an ASUS P5B-VM with an E6600 and would like to monitor the CPU > temperatures. Sensors-detect only finds an LM78 chip which has only one > temparature sensor. The temperature shown by sensors is obviously the > Mobo-temperature (same as in BIOS). The LM-78 is a misdetection. Please try latest sensors-detect (check the devices page on our web) I bet you have W83627DHG, you will need a patch for this chip. Here is preliminary patch: http://lists.lm-sensors.org/pipermail/lm-sensors/attachments/20060906/b139bc4d/attachment-0001.obj > I have read that Conroes possess integrated > read out directly from CPU registers. > a) Is this correct? Yes > b) Is this implemented in lm-sensors? Yes but not yet in kernel. You will need latest SVN snapshot of lm-sensors (make user_install) and also this set of patches: http://lists.lm-sensors.org/pipermail/lm-sensors/2006-October/018100.html (some of the patch files are posted TWICE, please use the latest version - click on mail thread to check what is latest) > c) If yes, what do I have to do to get sensors show the CPU temperatures of the > two cores? CHeck above. You will have more than one sensor ;) > Thank you for reply. If you need further info, please let me know. Please let me know if it works OK, and David too. Regards Rudolf