Hi Mark, >Hmm it's basically working but the fan and temp values aren't read. >Perhaps there was a sysfs name change in 2.6.13? Do you have any idea how to check this ? is anyone of your lm_sensors crew involved in SUSE's OPENSUSE development ? >Do you have sensors 2.9.2? (sensors -v) I had sensors 2.9.1 (delivered with Suse 10.0) now updated to sensors 2.9.2.... no effect > >For the labels in 'sensors', copy the label statements that appear in dmesg after bmcsensors module load >and copy it to the bmcsensors section of /etc/sensors.conf. OK: this will show the correct labeling but still get wrong/no reading and incorrect min/max values e.g. from sensor: 001a SDR Full 01 34 20 04 snum 25 Proc1 Fan = 0f OK 5602.24 RPM from sensors: MY_CHANGED_LABEL_FAN: 0 RPM (min = 1343 RPM) hope you can help me Uli