Hello, We are the developers of Linux kernel. There was a request for EEPROM writing on SMBus. We know that this bus is often used by SPD EEPROMs on DIMM modules. We would like to know what is current status of write protecting features of those EEPROMs I found only this: DDR2 DIMM SPD Software Write Protect Requirement: "The contents of the lower 128 bytes (bytes 0-127) of the SPD EEPROM must be software write protected by the DIMM vendor, using one of the two methods defined by ballot JC-42.4-03-103 (item 1435.01,) either the permanent software write protect method, or the reversible software write protect method. This requirement is to be phased in by the end of the first quarter of 2004." But I failed to find ballot JC-42.4-03-103 (item 1435.01,) Please can you point me to those documents so we are able to judge if it is safe to add EEPROM writing feature to kernel? Also I would like to know if anything similar exists for DDR and SDRAM modules. Thank you, regards Rudolf Marek