Hello! I was wondering if anyone on this mailing list has managed to properly read temperatures on a Gigabyte GA-8PE667 mainboard or similar? I have lm_sensors 2.8.7 installed and working, but the CPU and MB temperatures (temp1 and temp2) are definetly wrong. With sensors type set to 2 (thermistor), both temps always say 25 degrees Celsius, regardless of CPU load. The only source with a little more info on this topic I found at: http://www.livewiredev.com/bbs/showthread.php?s=&postid=13766 However, they discuss over there only about voltage readouts. There are two mentions about temperatures, both stating the same problems as I have. I am sure the sensors work on my mainboard because some time ago I had Windows on the machine and Gigabyte's EasyTune utility was showing proper temperatures. Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated. This machine is my home server and I want to reduce the noise volume, but I can't safely do that without being able to check if the system is indeed properly cooled. Best regards, Sebastian Paul Avarvarei