Hello, I'm writing you in response to your comments on ticket #1843 - as I don't see a button for adding new comments. I already found the URL you mentioned: http://www.livewiredev.com/bbs/showthread.php?s=&postid=13766 Unfortunately, that discussion is mostly about voltages, very little about temperatures. There are only two mentions about temps, and they state the same problem as I have: temp1 and temp2 never change. Also as it is mentioned there too, the Gigabyte EasyTune utility does report correct temperatures on this board (I used to have Windows on the machine some time ago). So the sensors are sure to work. So, are there other things I could try? I already wrote Gigabyte about this - obviously, no answer so far. Probably I should also post this on the mailing lists that I understand you have, but I can't seem to have the subscribing info on your pages :( Oh, and sorry about the extra lines in my first post. Probably because I posted from Opera, I've seen this happening on other sites too. Thank you very much for your help and for your work! Best regards, Sebastian Sebastian Paul Avarvarei ------------------------------------------ Proteusworld Ltd. Web Development & IT Consulting Services E-mail: proteus at proteusworld.com Jabber ID: proteus at proteusworld.com Yahoo Messenger ID: sebastian_avarvarei GSM: +40 745 632.309 www.proteusworld.com ------------------------------------------