Hello, I'm using a DELL PowerEdge 2200 server under a 2.4.20-18.7smp Linux Kernel whith a specific adaptation of a Red Had distribution called SME (see contribs.org) and I want to know if this hardware is supported by your software. On the Mother board, I have 2x Intel Pentium II 266 MMX processors wich have each a thermal monitoring. On the mother board, you can found an AIC-7880 SCSI onboard adapter (no IDE) and this Intel chips : 1x S82374SB 1x S82375SB 2x S82442FX one by CPU, I think. 2x S82441FX one by CPU, I think. In your Hardware Compatibility List, I found an Intel 82443MX chip. Is it compatible ? Also, is it possible to check Fan Speed and manage it (I used a software wich can program the speed of the Fan on a DFI K6BV3+ MotherBoard under Windows 98 SE) whith your software ? Thank you in advance. HP Vous manquez d?espace pour stocker vos mails ? Yahoo! Mail vous offre GRATUITEMENT 100 Mo ! Cr?ez votre Yahoo! Mail sur http://fr.benefits.yahoo.com/ Le nouveau Yahoo! Messenger est arriv? ! D?couvrez toutes les nouveaut?s pour dialoguer instantan?ment avec vos amis. A t?l?charger gratuitement sur http://fr.messenger.yahoo.com