The output from sensors-detect would be helpful. Also, PCI output that has the PCI ID's translated into text would also be helpful. Do you have any evidence that there actually *are* sensors in this system? It's possible there aren't any. :v) John Hawk wrote: >I have had extended correspondence with Dave Jones of PowerNow and >finally have PowerNow up and running and a new patch bk2 will alleviate >the need to build custome kernels every time, A Plus > >This leads me to my next conquest sensor support on the Emachines M5310. >I have tried the various Windoze (yuk) options and they also complain of >BIOS options. Emachines flat refuses to address any problems with the >M5310 BIOS I have corrected four error in the DSDT and compiled and >installed same in kernel 2.6.5-1.327 Fedora Core 2 test 2. > >However, if I run sensor-detect the only thing found (twice as noted >could happen) is an eprom for memory. > >If there is anything I can do to provide information to assist both you >and myself in obtaining accurate sensor detection please let me know. I >would like to get this up and running. > >I will attach output from a little program that should provided a real >world snapshot of the current config. > >Thanks > >john > > >