Hi folks; I have NDI if gkrellm uses lm_sensors, or if its standalone coded, but I sure could use some pointers. I went to the web page where I saw the announcement that the CVS now had support for 2.6, but when browsing the downloads page the CVS data denies it. Confusing... When do we get a source tarball thats ready for the stuff thats already in 2.6? My cpu runs in the 160F and up area (seti run it at 100%), and I use the gkrellm display to tell me when its time to go pull the cpu cooler and take it to an air hose and clean the dust out that matts on top of the fins. My wife smokes, and its the nicotene tar that makes the glue that really holds that stuff in like it was flypaper. Even $50 all copper coolers cannot cope with that! -- Cheers, Gene AMD K6-III at 500mhz 320M Athlon1600XP at 1400mhz 512M 99.22% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly Yahoo.com attornies please note, additions to this message by Gene Heskett are: Copyright 2003 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.