Hello, I think I found two errors in your W83627THF data sheet (rev. 0.7), at the top of page 32, about the -12V input: 1* The formula should read "VIN2 = ...", not "VIN0 = ...". VIN0 is +12V according to the schematic on the previous page. 2* The resistor values are swapped. It says R3=56K and R4=232K, but I believe it has to be R3=232K and R4=56K, or the computed value doesn't make sense (not within the 0V..+4.096V range). Could you please confirm? If I'm right, you might also want to update your data sheet. Accurate data sheets are very precious to us developpers :) Thanks. -- Jean Delvare http://www.ensicaen.ismra.fr/~delvare/