Thanks Jean. I've realised that I've actually got an 8712 (not an 8702 as I previously thought) and I notice that this is noted as "untested" in the it87 doc. Is this doc uptodate? Have you had any reports of people having had success with the temperature sensors in this chip when using the it87 driver? BTW, I cc all these emails to sensors at thinking that this is a mailing list. But is it? Looking through the website, I haven't found any way to actually subscribe to this list or (better still) view the archives ;-( Am I being thick? I'll start ploughing through these documents now (if only acroread would stop crashing...) On Thursday 13 November 2003 12:44 pm, you wrote: > Selon John Sutton <john at>: > > I've had a look on your website but I can't find the datasheet for > > the IT8712F. Can you please send it to me or send me a URL for it. > > (page 81) > > > I think that's what you're after. > > (Google power.) -- *************************************************** John Sutton SCL Internet URL Tel. +44 (0) 1239 711 888 ***************************************************