Hello Jean, Wednesday, July 2, 2003, 6:27:16 PM, you wrote: JD> Thanks for the shot. Unfortunately, it doesn't say on which chipset each JD> sensor is located :/ JD> I've added preliminary LM83 detection to our sensors-detect script. JD> Could you please get it from JD> http://www2.lm-sensors.nu/~lm78/cvs/lm_sensors2/prog/detect/sensors-detect JD> and give it a try? Preferably unload all sensors modules before doing so JD> and send us a whole log of the script run (using script or whatever). Many thanks for the help. I necessarily shall try new sensors-detect, but only tomorrow, as at us evening. Tomorrow I send you log. -- Best regards, ZOleg mailto:zoleg at matrixc.ru