-------- Original Message -------- From: - Thu Jun 26 12:09:35 2003 X-UIDL: 72302a2aa7bede3b X-Mozilla-Status: 0001 X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000 Return-Path: <John.Saxer at itt.com> Received: from fwetgfw1r.itt.com (gate11.itt.com []) by Ren.netroedge.com (8.12.8p1/8.9.1) with SMTP id h5QIJRvL002699 for <phil at netroedge.com>; Thu, 26 Jun 2003 11:19:27 -0700 Received: from no.name.available by fwetgfw1r.itt.com SMTP; Thu, 26 Jun 2003 13:27:32 -0500 Received: by fwdcmail2.fwdc.de.ittind.com with Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19) id <N4CGYQH7>; Thu, 26 Jun 2003 13:24:14 -0500 Message-ID: <D93E6EB3AC48D511942000A0C9CDFE7A04060A at NTSRVR01> From: Saxer, John <John.Saxer at itt.com> To: 'phil at netroedge.com' <phil at netroedge.com> Subject: I2C driver Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 13:26:04 -0500 MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19) Content-Type: text/plain X-SpamBouncer: 1.5 (8/16/02) X-SBClass: OK X-Spambayes-Classification: unsure; 0.74 I need to write a driver to interface a device on the I2C bus, and would like to use the existing I2C drivers as a starting point. I have tried to access the page referenced as "Pybe Faber has written an excellent page clarifying the structure of my driver. Thanks, Pybe!" without luck. It get an access error. Is it possible to get this page some other way? Thanks, John Saxer ITT A/CD San Diego ************************************ If this email is not intended for you, or you are not responsible for the delivery of this message to the addressee, please note that this message may contain ITT Privileged/Proprietary Information. In such a case, you may not copy or deliver this message to anyone. You should destroy this message and kindly notify the sender by reply email. Information contained in this message that does not relate to the business of ITT is neither endorsed by nor attributable to ITT. ************************************