Dear lm_sensors folks, First, thanks for all your hard work on lm_sensors. It's a most useful tool. A friend and I are building a 200-processor high-density beowulf cluster in a custom enclosure. Monitoring temperature is critical, as you can imagine. The motherboards are GigaByte Technologies GA7dpxdw+ dual Athlon boards. We started the project by testing an early version of the board, GA7dpxdw. This uses Winbond W83627HF-AW and a standard thermistor (labeled 5103BJ2) for the cpus. lm_sensors has no problem with this and gives believable temperatures. We decided to build the cluster with a new version of the board, the GA7dpxdw+, which is identical to the GA7dpxdw, but with the additional capability of shutting down the power when the cpu temperature exceeds a user-specified threshold. Unfortunately, the GA7dpxdw+ replaces the thermistor with some new temperature sensor that lm_sensors does not understand. The sensor appears to be an 8-lead surface-mounted IC, about 2.5mm X 2.5mm, and is labeled thus: M6AB T11C If we just use lm_sensors as configured to work correctly on the old (thermistor-equipped) version of the board, temp1 and temp2 (the cpu temperatures) stay around 27 or 28C when the machine is running full bore, which we know must be bogus. The temp3 value is similar, but that could be correct. When we try the other sensor alternatives listed in sensors.conf, we get numbers that are even worse (somewhere around 130C as I recall, and the numbers don't change when the machine goes from idle to loaded). Do you know anything about this new sensor? What do I need to do to get lm_sensors to read it correctly? If you don't know anything about it, can you tell me what kind of technical questions I need to ask the motherboard manufacturer to be able to solve this problem? Finally I have one last question. I have been unable to find a temperature sensor for temp3, the motherboard temperature. Is that built into the Winbond chip itself? Thanks in advance for your help! Best wishes, Jack Wathey