Dear people from the lm_sensors team, first of all: thank you for your work! The program is highly functional and satisfies (nearly ...) all things that could be interesting. You know (from tickets 813,808,781,765) about the Tyan 2460MB: - there are two sensor chips on it working on different areas. I have an 1.04 bios in use and can tell from my experience: - temperature readings are correct if the initialization has not occured (in contrast to what has been written in ticket 812), the chip w83782d-i2c-0-2d seems to monitor the processor temperature - the fan readings are not the ones from the processors, the voltage data are hard to interpret. Maybe the due to the voltage divider, as you readily mentioned. - after initialization the temperature values are identical to those in the bios *prior* to initialization and show high numbers (77?C and 78?C). - the rpm values from the fans are in an odd relationship to the actual speed, I have to recheck. However, the fan data appear to be more plausible after initialization. If there are any additional checks I could supply for your help, please let me know. Basically one would need to access both chips for different data, but this seems impossible from the current lm_sensors package. Hope you can use the information! Take care Dieter Jurzitza -- ----------------------------------------------------------- E-Mail: Dr. Ing. Dieter Jurzitza <dieter.jurzitza at> Date: 14-Jun-2002 Time: 21:21:30 | \ /\_/\ | | ~x~ |/-----\ / \ /- \_/ ^^__ _ / _ ____ / <??__ \- \_/ | |/ | | || || _| _| _| _| if you really want to see the pictures above - use some font with constant spacing like courier! :-) -----------------------------------------------------------