klm 0.6 http://linux.tucows.com/kdehtml/preview/31716.html "Frank T. Lofaro Jr." wrote: > > I am having trouble downloading klm > > http://www.brendy.addr.com/linux/klm/klm_home.html > > gives host unknown, another site (synergy.linuxbox.com) > is on an expired domain with disconnected phone numbers > for the domain contacts, and another site for it > (synergy.linuxave.net) gives a page with no content > except the words "google.com", postmaster and root > at that site bounced, and the technical contact > won't answer his/her/its phone. > > I had klm-0.5.0 but it won't compile with my KDE version > as my version of KDE (the one from Slackware 8.0) gives an > error saying qwindow.h is gone. > > Please tell me where klm is or if it is dead. > > If it is dead, please tell me where I can get a KDE app > for lm_sensors. I do not, nor ever intend to run > GNOME again.