I am having trouble downloading klm http://www.brendy.addr.com/linux/klm/klm_home.html gives host unknown, another site (synergy.linuxbox.com) is on an expired domain with disconnected phone numbers for the domain contacts, and another site for it (synergy.linuxave.net) gives a page with no content except the words "google.com", postmaster and root at that site bounced, and the technical contact won't answer his/her/its phone. I had klm-0.5.0 but it won't compile with my KDE version as my version of KDE (the one from Slackware 8.0) gives an error saying qwindow.h is gone. Please tell me where klm is or if it is dead. If it is dead, please tell me where I can get a KDE app for lm_sensors. I do not, nor ever intend to run GNOME again.