I have been playing a bit with lm-sensors lately. One machine I've set it up on has a Gigabyte GA-7DXC (iirc) motherboard. (VIA686) I checked the config file, saw this: """ # Johannes Drechsel-Burkhard <jdb at chello.at> notes that on his MSI K7T Pro, # temp1 is the CPU temp and temp2 is the SYS temp. label temp1 "SYS Temp" label temp2 "CPU Temp" label temp3 "SBr Temp" <SNIP> set temp1_hyst 40 set temp1_over 45 set temp2_hyst 55 set temp2_over 60 set temp3_hyst 60 set temp3_over 65 """ On the 7DXC, I currently have a 59 degC temp1, 36 degC temp2, and 24 degC temp3. Thus I think on the 7DXC the same applies: temp1 is CPU and temp2 is sys (it runs too hot, this machine, the BIOS agrees). So I should push up my temp1_hyst/over to something higher, 65/70 maybe (temp goes up when machine is very busy, I think a box fan is necessary), make temp2 be 40/45, and temp3 ... It does seem to go up and down with the rest, but seems too low to me (what should it be?), so I guess this also applies: """ # on the Tyan S1598 as well as the Abit KA7 (Athalon), the absolute values # of the readings from that sensor are not valid. The readings do seem to """ Oh yea, I have lm-sensors 2.6.3-1, Debian package. Thanks, Hugo van der Merwe