lm_sensors for KT266A and Nvidia nForce (fwd)

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polverini at Explo-IT.com wrote:
>From polverini at Explo-IT.com Wed Jan  2 12:55:05 2002
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Subject: lm_sensors for KT266A and Nvidia nForce
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I have two PCs, one with a Microstar 6380 with KT266A chipset, and the
other with a nvidia nForce chipset.

I took a quick look on your webpage and it seems like these two chipset
are not supported.
Am I missing something (maybe they are compatible with some other device?)
or there is nothing I can do about it?

Thanks for your help and keep up your great work.


P.S.: I tried to write to sensors at stimpy.netroedge.com but the mail 
bounced back

Frodo Looijaard <frodol at dds.nl>  PGP key and more: http://huizen.dds.nl/~frodol
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