Hi Alex, > > > > > > - How is chosen the beacon order? Should we have a default value? > > > Should we default to 15 (not on a beacon enabled PAN)? Should we be > > > able to update this value during the lifetime of the PAN? > > > > > > > Is there no mib default value for this? I didn't find anything. I suppose we can ask for that parameter at PAN creation, but otherwise I'll keep a backward compatible value: 15, which means that the PAN is not beacon enabled (like today, basically). > > > > > - The spec talks about the cluster topology, where a coordinator that > > > just associated to a PAN starts emitting beacons, which may enable > > > other devices in its range to ask to join the PAN (increased area > > > coverage). But then, there is no information about how the newly > > > added device should do to join the PAN coordinator which is anyway > > > out of range to require the association, transmit data, etc. Any > > > idea how this is supposed to work? > > > > > > > I think we should maybe add a feature for this later if we don't know > > how it is supposed to work or there are still open questions and first > > introduce the manual setup. After that, maybe things will become > > clearer and we can add support for this part. Is this okay? > > *I also think that this can be done in user space by a daemon by > triggering netlink commands for scan/assoc/etc. (manual setup) and > providing such functionality as mentioned by the spec (auto creation > of pan, assoc with pan). Things which are unclear here are then moved > to the user as the operations for scan/assoc/etc. will not be > different or at least parameterized. The point here is that providing > the minimum basic functionality should be done at first, then we can > look at how to realize such handling (either in kernel or user space). Actually this is none of the 802.15.4 MAC layer business. I believe this is the upper layer duty to make this interoperability work, namely, 6lowpan? Thanks, Miquèl