Those numbers are from my tests. The TX numbers are the standard netperf
output and give the rate from my test laptop to a server that is wired
to the AP/router. Those are the numbers that you are used to.
The RX numbers are obtained by starting a server on my laptop and
ssh'ing a netperf command to the machine that was the server in the TX
tests, i.e. I am measuring the TX rate from the former server, or the RX
rate for the laptop. My script does 10 samples of each and calculates
the mean and standard deviation.
Thanks. If I have interpreted your answer correctly what you call
TCP_STREAM RX should be the same as TCP_MAERTS TX and vice versa
(modulo having the same -s, -S, -m and -M values or system defaults
anyway) Ie
system-A> netperf -H system-B -t TCP_MAERTS ...
should be the same as
system-A> ssh system-B netperf -H system-A -t TCP_STREAM
I put the TCP_MAERTS test into netperf specifically to help people avoid
having to ssh :)
happy benchmarking,
rick jones
PS, if I or anyone else ever gets around to implementing the sendfile
functionality in the "omni" tests, then they should also provide what we
might call a TCP_ELIFDNES test - the netserver side calling sendfile()
to send data to the netperf side.
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