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Re: [PATCH] crda: do not embed crypto data when USE_OPENSSL=1

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Hi John,

On Friday 05 March 2010 14:08:53 John W. Linville wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 05, 2010 at 11:56:11AM +1000, Kel Modderman wrote:
> > On Friday 05 March 2010 11:37:22 John W. Linville wrote:
> > > On Fri, Mar 05, 2010 at 10:27:03AM +1000, Kel Modderman wrote:
> > > > On Friday 05 March 2010 01:31:28 John W. Linville wrote:
> > > > > On Fri, Mar 05, 2010 at 12:08:50AM +1000, Kel Modderman wrote:
> > > > > > This allows wireless-regdb to be built from source and upgraded independently
> > > > > > of crda and is _crucial_ for distributions who want to build their own
> > > > > > regulatory.bin.
> > > > > 
> > > > > I don't understand -- isn't this possible already?
> > > > 
> > > > No.
> > > 
> > > Perhaps you could use a few more words?  It seems to me that what
> > > limits you is the policies of some distributions.  Certainly crda
> > > and wireless-regdb can be maintained separately so long as the key
> > > doesn't change between builds or with alternate keys installed in
> > > the proper locations.  Am I missing something?
> > 
> > Yes you are missing something. Its not the policy of my distribution which
> > is limiting its the design of the crda/wireless-regdb build systems.
> > 
> > Now that openssl support allows reading pubkeys at runtime, the  embedding
> > of crypto data into binaries can be totally removed when built with openssl.
> I don't think anyone said that this change could not be made.
> I merely challenged the flawed reasoning you asserted for its need.
> > wireless-regdb can be built from source, when it does so it generates a new
> > custom key which is installed to /lib/crda/pubkeys/<key>. Your key is also
> > installed here, oh but hang on, its also embedded into the binary so why bother
> > installing it at all? Alright, so we can manually move our custom generated
> > key from /lib/crda/pubkeys/<key> to /etc/wireless-regdb/pubkeys/<key> and things
> > will probably be okay next time we build wireless-regdb and upgrade it
> > independently of crda, except for:
> Why would you need to move it?  Did someone break the code that uses
> regdb_paths in crda.c?  Does PUBKEY_DIR not work?
> > 1. we now have /lib/crda/pubkeys/ for no reason at all
> If you don't want my key (or any other) in your binary then simply
> delete it from crda/pubkeys in your build scripts...?
> > 2. the distribution is installing to /etc/wireless-regdb/pubkeys/ which should
> >    be reserved for the admin
> "make PUBKEY_DIR=/lib/crda/pubkeys"?
> > 3. you're maintaining a bunch of useless code which embeds openssl data into
> >    binaries when you do not have to
> See rebuttal to #1...just because you don't use some functionality
> doesn't mean no one else wants it or uses it.
> > These 3 points is what my patch attempts to address.
> It seems to me that you address the points by simply removing
> functionality rather than using other means that already exist to
> address the same concerns.

I am obviously having hard time clearly communicating what I think is wrong,
so attached is 2 files demonstrating the problem with step by step reproducible
commands with output. regdb-upgrade-does-not-work.txt shows the current
behaviour which must be improved, regdb-upgrade-does-work.txt shows
the behaviour with my patch applied. The patch which was used is also attached.

The steps simulate the independent upgrade/re-installation of wireless-regdb after
rebuilding regulatory.bin and signing with a new key. This is a simulation of
the expected upgrade path when wireless-regdb and crda are packaged separately
and one-time ssl keys are used when building wireless-regdb.

I hope that these logs, along with the patch, help show that I am not removing
any current interface from crda, just trying to fix up its current ones.

Thanks, Kel.
When USE_OPENSSL=1 do not embed crypto data into binary, use the PUBKEY_DIR
variable just as it is when USE_GCRYPT=1 and just load certs from PUBKEY_DIR
for signature verification at runtime. Remove ssl support from

This allows wireless-regdb to be built from source and upgraded independently
of crda and is _crucial_ for distributions who want to build their own

When verification fails provide information about the PUBKEY_DIR variable.

Fix typo (s/make noverify/make all_noverify/).

Signed-off-by: Kel Modderman <kel@xxxxxxxxxx>
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -16,13 +16,6 @@ UDEV_LEVEL=$(CRDA_UDEV_LEVEL)-
 # a different location.
-# If your distribution requires a custom pubkeys dir
-# you must update this variable to reflect where the
-# keys are put when building. For example you can run
-# with make PUBKEY_DIR=/usr/lib/crda/pubkeys
 CFLAGS += -Wall -g
 all: all_noverify verify
@@ -30,17 +23,24 @@ all: all_noverify verify
 all_noverify: crda intersect regdbdump
 ifeq ($(USE_OPENSSL),1)
-CFLAGS += -DUSE_OPENSSL -DPUBKEY_DIR=\"$(RUNTIME_PUBKEY_DIR)\" `pkg-config --cflags openssl`
+CFLAGS += -DUSE_OPENSSL `pkg-config --cflags openssl`
 LDLIBS += `pkg-config --libs openssl`
-reglib.o: keys-ssl.c
 LDLIBS += -lgcrypt
 reglib.o: keys-gcrypt.c
+keys-gcrypt.c: utils/ $(wildcard $(PUBKEY_DIR)/*.pem)
+	$(NQ) '  GEN ' $@
+	$(NQ) '  Trusted pubkeys:' $(wildcard $(PUBKEY_DIR)/*.pem)
+	$(Q)./utils/ $(wildcard $(PUBKEY_DIR)/*.pem) $@
 MKDIR ?= mkdir -p
 INSTALL ?= install
@@ -82,15 +82,10 @@ $(REG_BIN):
 	$(NQ) $(REG_GIT)
 	$(NQ) "Once cloned (no need to build) cp regulatory.bin to $(REG_BIN)"
-	$(NQ) "Use \"make noverify\" to disable verification"
+	$(NQ) "Use \"make all_noverify\" to disable verification"
 	$(Q) exit 1
-keys-%.c: utils/ $(wildcard $(PUBKEY_DIR)/*.pem)
-	$(NQ) '  GEN ' $@
-	$(NQ) '  Trusted pubkeys:' $(wildcard $(PUBKEY_DIR)/*.pem)
-	$(Q)./utils/ --$* $(wildcard $(PUBKEY_DIR)/*.pem) $@
 %.o: %.c regdb.h
 	$(NQ) '  CC  ' $@
 	$(Q)$(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
@@ -109,7 +104,15 @@ intersect: reglib.o intersect.o print-re
 verify: $(REG_BIN) regdbdump
 	$(NQ) '  CHK  $(REG_BIN)'
-	$(Q)./regdbdump $(REG_BIN) >/dev/null
+	@if ! ./regdbdump $(REG_BIN) >/dev/null; then \
+		echo; \
+		echo "If your distribution requires a custom pubkeys dir you must set"; \
+		echo "PUBKEY_DIR to path where the keys are installed by wireless-regdb."; \
+		echo "For example:"; \
+		echo "    make PUBKEY_DIR=/lib/crda/pubkeys"; \
+		echo; \
+		exit 1; \
+	fi
 %.gz: %
 	@$(NQ) ' GZIP' $<
--- a/reglib.c
+++ b/reglib.c
@@ -18,10 +18,6 @@
 #include "reglib.h"
-#include "keys-ssl.c"
 #ifdef USE_GCRYPT
 #include "keys-gcrypt.c"
@@ -49,7 +45,6 @@ int crda_verify_db_signature(__u8 *db, i
 	RSA *rsa;
 	__u8 hash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
-	unsigned int i;
 	int ok = 0;
 	DIR *pubkey_dir;
 	struct dirent *nextfile;
@@ -61,26 +56,26 @@ int crda_verify_db_signature(__u8 *db, i
 		goto out;
-	for (i = 0; (i < sizeof(keys)/sizeof(keys[0])) && (!ok); i++) {
-		rsa = RSA_new();
-		if (!rsa) {
-			fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create RSA key.\n");
-			goto out;
+	if ((pubkey_dir = opendir(PUBKEY_DIR))) {
+		while (!ok && (nextfile = readdir(pubkey_dir))) {
+			snprintf(filename, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", PUBKEY_DIR,
+				nextfile->d_name);
+			if ((keyfile = fopen(filename, "rb"))) {
+				rsa = PEM_read_RSA_PUBKEY(keyfile,
+					NULL, NULL, NULL);
+				if (rsa)
+					ok = RSA_verify(NID_sha1, hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH,
+						db + dblen, siglen, rsa) == 1;
+				RSA_free(rsa);
+				fclose(keyfile);
+			}
-		rsa->e = &keys[i].e;
-		rsa->n = &keys[i].n;
-		ok = RSA_verify(NID_sha1, hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH,
-				db + dblen, siglen, rsa) == 1;
-		rsa->e = NULL;
-		rsa->n = NULL;
-		RSA_free(rsa);
+		closedir(pubkey_dir);
-	if (!ok && (pubkey_dir = opendir(PUBKEY_DIR))) {
+	if (!ok && (pubkey_dir = opendir(ALT_PUBKEY_DIR))) {
 		while (!ok && (nextfile = readdir(pubkey_dir))) {
-			snprintf(filename, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", PUBKEY_DIR,
+			snprintf(filename, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", ALT_PUBKEY_DIR,
 			if ((keyfile = fopen(filename, "rb"))) {
 				rsa = PEM_read_RSA_PUBKEY(keyfile,
--- a/utils/
+++ b/utils/
@@ -9,81 +9,6 @@ except ImportError, e:
        sys.stderr.write('On Debian GNU/Linux the package is called "python-m2crypto".\n')
-def print_ssl_64(output, name, val):
-    while val[0] == '\0':
-        val = val[1:]
-    while len(val) % 8:
-        val = '\0' + val
-    vnew = []
-    while len(val):
-        vnew.append((val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3], val[4], val[5], val[6], val[7]))
-        val = val[8:]
-    vnew.reverse()
-    output.write('static BN_ULONG %s[%d] = {\n' % (name, len(vnew)))
-    idx = 0
-    for v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8 in vnew:
-        if not idx:
-            output.write('\t')
-        output.write('0x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x, ' % (ord(v1), ord(v2), ord(v3), ord(v4), ord(v5), ord(v6), ord(v7), ord(v8)))
-        idx += 1
-        if idx == 2:
-            idx = 0
-            output.write('\n')
-    if idx:
-        output.write('\n')
-    output.write('};\n\n')
-def print_ssl_32(output, name, val):
-    while val[0] == '\0':
-        val = val[1:]
-    while len(val) % 4:
-        val = '\0' + val
-    vnew = []
-    while len(val):
-        vnew.append((val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3], ))
-        val = val[4:]
-    vnew.reverse()
-    output.write('static BN_ULONG %s[%d] = {\n' % (name, len(vnew)))
-    idx = 0
-    for v1, v2, v3, v4 in vnew:
-        if not idx:
-            output.write('\t')
-        output.write('0x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x, ' % (ord(v1), ord(v2), ord(v3), ord(v4)))
-        idx += 1
-        if idx == 4:
-            idx = 0
-            output.write('\n')
-    if idx:
-        output.write('\n')
-    output.write('};\n\n')
-def print_ssl(output, name, val):
-    import struct
-    if len(struct.pack('@L', 0)) == 8:
-        return print_ssl_64(output, name, val)
-    else:
-        return print_ssl_32(output, name, val)
-def print_ssl_keys(output, n):
-    output.write(r'''
-struct pubkey {
-	struct bignum_st e, n;
-#define KEY(data) {				\
-	.d = data,				\
-	.top = sizeof(data)/sizeof(data[0]),	\
-#define KEYS(e,n)	{ KEY(e), KEY(n), }
-static struct pubkey keys[] = {
-    for n in xrange(n + 1):
-        output.write('	KEYS(e_%d, n_%d),\n' % (n, n))
-    output.write('};\n')
-    pass
 def print_gcrypt(output, name, val):
     while val[0] == '\0':
         val = val[1:]
@@ -118,24 +43,10 @@ static const struct key_params keys[] =
     for n in xrange(n + 1):
         output.write('	KEYS(e_%d, n_%d),\n' % (n, n))
-modes = {
-    '--ssl': (print_ssl, print_ssl_keys),
-    '--gcrypt': (print_gcrypt, print_gcrypt_keys),
-    mode = sys.argv[1]
-    files = sys.argv[2:-1]
-    outfile = sys.argv[-1]
-except IndexError:
-    mode = None
-if not mode in modes:
-    print 'Usage: %s [%s] input-file... output-file' % (sys.argv[0], '|'.join(modes.keys()))
-    sys.exit(2)
+files = sys.argv[1:-1]
+outfile = sys.argv[-1]
 output = open(outfile, 'w')
 # load key
@@ -146,8 +57,8 @@ for f in files:
     except RSA.RSAError:
         key = RSA.load_key(f)
-    modes[mode][0](output, 'e_%d' % idx, key.e[4:])
-    modes[mode][0](output, 'n_%d' % idx, key.n[4:])
+    print_gcrypt(output, 'e_%d' % idx, key.e[4:])
+    print_gcrypt(output, 'n_%d' % idx, key.n[4:])
     idx += 1
-modes[mode][1](output, idx - 1)
+print_gcrypt_keys(output, idx - 1)
# wget -q -O/tmp/wireless-regdb-2009.11.25.tar.bz2    
# wget -q -O/tmp/crda-1.1.1.tar.bz2                                            
# tar -C /tmp -xjf /tmp/wireless-regdb-2009.11.25.tar.bz2                                                                                  
# make -C /tmp/wireless-regdb-2009.11.25 all                                                                                               
make: Entering directory `/tmp/wireless-regdb-2009.11.25'                                                                                  
Generating private key for root...                                                                                                         
openssl genrsa -out ~/.wireless-regdb-root.key.priv.pem 2048                                                                               
Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus                                                                                          
e is 65537 (0x10001)                                                                                                                         
Generating public key for root...                                                                                                            
openssl rsa -in ~/.wireless-regdb-root.key.priv.pem -out -pubout -outform PEM                                               
writing RSA key                                                                                                                              
Generating regulatory.bin digitally signed by root...                                                                                        
./ regulatory.bin db.txt ~/.wireless-regdb-root.key.priv.pem                                                                        
make: Leaving directory `/tmp/wireless-regdb-2009.11.25'                                                                                     
# make -C /tmp/wireless-regdb-2009.11.25 install                                                                                             
make: Entering directory `/tmp/wireless-regdb-2009.11.25'                                                                                    
gzip < regulatory.bin.5 > regulatory.bin.5.gz                                                                                                
install -m 755 -d //usr/lib/crda                                                                                                             
install -m 755 -d //usr/lib/crda/pubkeys                                                                                                     
if [ -f .custom ]; then \                                                                                                                    
                install -m 644 -t //usr/lib/crda/pubkeys/; \                                                                
install -m 644 -t //usr/lib/crda/pubkeys/                                                                               
install -m 644 -t //usr/lib/crda/ regulatory.bin                                                                                             
install -m 755 -d //usr/share/man//man5/                                                                                                     
install -m 644 -t //usr/share/man//man5/ regulatory.bin.5.gz                                                                                 
make: Leaving directory `/tmp/wireless-regdb-2009.11.25'                                                                                     
# tar -C /tmp -xjf /tmp/crda-1.1.1.tar.bz2                                                                                                   
# make -C /tmp/crda-1.1.1 all USE_OPENSSL=1 PUBKEY_DIR=/usr/lib/crda/pubkeys/                                                                
make: Entering directory `/tmp/crda-1.1.1'                                                                                                   
  GEN  keys-ssl.c                                                                                                                            
  Trusted pubkeys: /usr/lib/crda/pubkeys// /usr/lib/crda/pubkeys//                                       
  CC   reglib.o                                                                                                                              
  CC   crda.o                                                                                                                                
  LD   crda                                                                                                                                  
  CC   intersect.o                                                                                                                           
  CC   print-regdom.o                                                                                                                        
  LD   intersect                                                                                                                             
  CC   regdbdump.o                                                                                                                           
  LD   regdbdump
  CHK  /usr/lib/crda/regulatory.bin
make: Leaving directory `/tmp/crda-1.1.1'
# make -C /tmp/crda-1.1.1 install USE_OPENSSL=1 PUBKEY_DIR=/usr/lib/crda/pubkeys/
make: Entering directory `/tmp/crda-1.1.1'
 GZIP crda.8
 GZIP regdbdump.8
  INSTALL  crda
  INSTALL  regdbdump
  INSTALL  85-regulatory.rules
  INSTALL  crda.8.gz
  INSTALL  regdbdump.8.gz
make: Leaving directory `/tmp/crda-1.1.1'
# rm -v /root/.wireless-regdb-root.key.priv.pem
removed `/root/.wireless-regdb-root.key.priv.pem'
# make -C /tmp/wireless-regdb-2009.11.25 all
make: Entering directory `/tmp/wireless-regdb-2009.11.25'
Generating private key for root...
openssl genrsa -out ~/.wireless-regdb-root.key.priv.pem 2048
Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus
e is 65537 (0x10001)
Generating public key for root...
openssl rsa -in ~/.wireless-regdb-root.key.priv.pem -out -pubout -outform PEM
writing RSA key
Generating regulatory.bin digitally signed by root...
./ regulatory.bin db.txt ~/.wireless-regdb-root.key.priv.pem
make: Leaving directory `/tmp/wireless-regdb-2009.11.25'
# make -C /tmp/wireless-regdb-2009.11.25 install
make: Entering directory `/tmp/wireless-regdb-2009.11.25'
gzip < regulatory.bin.5 > regulatory.bin.5.gz
install -m 755 -d //usr/lib/crda
install -m 755 -d //usr/lib/crda/pubkeys
if [ -f .custom ]; then \
                install -m 644 -t //usr/lib/crda/pubkeys/; \
install -m 644 -t //usr/lib/crda/pubkeys/
install -m 644 -t //usr/lib/crda/ regulatory.bin
install -m 755 -d //usr/share/man//man5/
install -m 644 -t //usr/share/man//man5/ regulatory.bin.5.gz
make: Leaving directory `/tmp/wireless-regdb-2009.11.25'
# regdbdump /usr/lib/crda/regulatory.bin
Database signature verification failed.
# wget -q -O/tmp/wireless-regdb-2009.11.25.tar.bz2      
# wget -q -O/tmp/crda-1.1.1.tar.bz2                                              
# tar -C /tmp -xjf /tmp/wireless-regdb-2009.11.25.tar.bz2                                                                                    
# make -C /tmp/wireless-regdb-2009.11.25 all                                                                                                 
make: Entering directory `/tmp/wireless-regdb-2009.11.25'                                                                                    
Generating private key for root...                                                                                                           
openssl genrsa -out ~/.wireless-regdb-root.key.priv.pem 2048                                                                                 
Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus                                                                                            
e is 65537 (0x10001)                                                                                                                         
Generating public key for root...                                                                                                            
openssl rsa -in ~/.wireless-regdb-root.key.priv.pem -out -pubout -outform PEM                                               
writing RSA key                                                                                                                              
Generating regulatory.bin digitally signed by root...                                                                                        
./ regulatory.bin db.txt ~/.wireless-regdb-root.key.priv.pem                                                                        
make: Leaving directory `/tmp/wireless-regdb-2009.11.25'                                                                                     
# make -C /tmp/wireless-regdb-2009.11.25 install                                                                                             
make: Entering directory `/tmp/wireless-regdb-2009.11.25'                                                                                    
gzip < regulatory.bin.5 > regulatory.bin.5.gz                                                                                                
install -m 755 -d //usr/lib/crda                                                                                                             
install -m 755 -d //usr/lib/crda/pubkeys                                                                                                     
if [ -f .custom ]; then \                                                                                                                    
                install -m 644 -t //usr/lib/crda/pubkeys/; \                                                                
install -m 644 -t //usr/lib/crda/pubkeys/                                                                               
install -m 644 -t //usr/lib/crda/ regulatory.bin                                                                                             
install -m 755 -d //usr/share/man//man5/                                                                                                     
install -m 644 -t //usr/share/man//man5/ regulatory.bin.5.gz                                                                                 
make: Leaving directory `/tmp/wireless-regdb-2009.11.25'                                                                                     
# tar -C /tmp -xjf /tmp/crda-1.1.1.tar.bz2                                                                                                   
# wget -q -O/tmp/crda.patch                                   
# patch -d /tmp/crda-1.1.1 -p1 -i /tmp/crda.patch                                                                                            
patching file Makefile                                                                                                                       
patching file reglib.c                                                                                                                       
patching file utils/                                                                                                               
# make -C /tmp/crda-1.1.1 all USE_OPENSSL=1                                                                                                  
make: Entering directory `/tmp/crda-1.1.1'                                                                                                   
  CC   reglib.o                                                                                                                              
  CC   crda.o                                                                                                                                
  LD   crda                                                                                                                                  
  CC   intersect.o                                                                                                                           
  CC   print-regdom.o                                                                                                                        
  LD   intersect                                                                                                                             
  CC   regdbdump.o                                                                                                                           
  LD   regdbdump                                                                                                                             
  CHK  /usr/lib/crda/regulatory.bin                                                                                                          
make: Leaving directory `/tmp/crda-1.1.1'                                                                                                    
# make -C /tmp/crda-1.1.1 install USE_OPENSSL=1                                                                                              
make: Entering directory `/tmp/crda-1.1.1'                                                                                                   
 GZIP crda.8                                                                                                                                 
 GZIP regdbdump.8                                                                                                                            
  INSTALL  crda                                                                                                                              
  INSTALL  regdbdump                                                                                                                         
  INSTALL  85-regulatory.rules                                                                                                               
  INSTALL  crda.8.gz                                                                                                                         
  INSTALL  regdbdump.8.gz                                                                                                                    
make: Leaving directory `/tmp/crda-1.1.1'                                                                                                    
# rm -v /root/.wireless-regdb-root.key.priv.pem                                                                                              
removed `/root/.wireless-regdb-root.key.priv.pem'                                                                                            
# make -C /tmp/wireless-regdb-2009.11.25 all                                                                                                 
make: Entering directory `/tmp/wireless-regdb-2009.11.25'                                                                                    
Generating private key for root...                                                                                                           
openssl genrsa -out ~/.wireless-regdb-root.key.priv.pem 2048                                                                                 
Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus                                                                                            
e is 65537 (0x10001)                                                                                                                         
Generating public key for root...                                                                                                            
openssl rsa -in ~/.wireless-regdb-root.key.priv.pem -out -pubout -outform PEM                                               
writing RSA key                                                                                                                              
Generating regulatory.bin digitally signed by root...                                                                                        
./ regulatory.bin db.txt ~/.wireless-regdb-root.key.priv.pem                                                                        
make: Leaving directory `/tmp/wireless-regdb-2009.11.25'                                                                                     
# make -C /tmp/wireless-regdb-2009.11.25 install                                                                                             
make: Entering directory `/tmp/wireless-regdb-2009.11.25'                                                                                    
gzip < regulatory.bin.5 > regulatory.bin.5.gz                                                                                                
install -m 755 -d //usr/lib/crda                                                                                                             
install -m 755 -d //usr/lib/crda/pubkeys                                                                                                     
if [ -f .custom ]; then \                                                                                                                    
                install -m 644 -t //usr/lib/crda/pubkeys/; \                                                                
install -m 644 -t //usr/lib/crda/pubkeys/                                                                               
install -m 644 -t //usr/lib/crda/ regulatory.bin                                                                                             
install -m 755 -d //usr/share/man//man5/                                                                                                     
install -m 644 -t //usr/share/man//man5/ regulatory.bin.5.gz                                                                                 
make: Leaving directory `/tmp/wireless-regdb-2009.11.25'                                                                                     
# regdbdump /usr/lib/crda/regulatory.bin                                                                                                     
country 00:                                                                                                                                  
        (2402.000 - 2472.000 @ 40.000), (3.00, 20.00)                                                                                        
        (2457.000 - 2482.000 @ 20.000), (3.00, 20.00), PASSIVE-SCAN, NO-IBSS                                                                 
        (2474.000 - 2494.000 @ 20.000), (3.00, 20.00), NO-OFDM, PASSIVE-SCAN, NO-IBSS                                                        
        (5170.000 - 5250.000 @ 40.000), (3.00, 20.00), PASSIVE-SCAN, NO-IBSS                                                                 
        (5735.000 - 5835.000 @ 40.000), (3.00, 20.00), PASSIVE-SCAN, NO-IBSS

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