Hi, i wish to signal what seems to me a bug. I set up a few Linux boxes as AP in our office using Brostrend AC1200 dongles (chipset RTL8822BU). Using the external module RTL882xbu suggested by Brostrend it all works but there is one issue, i can't put more than one dongle for each Linux box. I contacted Brostrend and I was told to wait for the driver to be in the Linux kernel. I saw that now RTL8822bu is in the kernel 6.5.0-5 which for me is accessible without risk of wasting the AP configuration upgrading the OS from Debian Stable to Debian Testing. I upgraded. In the AP which runs now Debian Testing it is true i can plug in two Brostrend dongles. It works as AP 2.4Ghz, in the sense that i can connect to it with my Samsung phone. BUT, here comes the problem, NO ONE of the >10 Tapo devices (2 cameras C225 and several plugs P110) want to connects to the AP with the driver provided by the kernel. I installed the RTL882xbu module in the same Debian Testing AP and now all the Tapo devices do connect. bye n.m.