Hi, [This is an automated email] This commit has been processed because it contains a -stable tag. The stable tag indicates that it's relevant for the following trees: all The bot has tested the following trees: v5.0.5, v4.19.32, v4.14.109, v4.9.166, v4.4.177, v3.18.137. v5.0.5: Build OK! v4.19.32: Build OK! v4.14.109: Build OK! v4.9.166: Build OK! v4.4.177: Failed to apply! Possible dependencies: 262c741e0825 ("rt2x00: fix monitor mode regression") v3.18.137: Failed to apply! Possible dependencies: 2359b5c2d950 ("staging: vt6655: replace memcpy() by ether_addr_copy() using coccinelle and pack variables") 262c741e0825 ("rt2x00: fix monitor mode regression") 33b1c8c13fb8 ("staging: vt6655: mac80211 conversion: add new rx functions") 67013f2c0e58 ("staging: vt6655: mac80211 conversion add main mac80211 functions") 81a4e959f201 ("staging: vt6655: device.h: Comments fixes") 89cf9be6e6e1 ("staging: vt6655: mac80211 conversion: s_uFillDataHead add power saving poll") 99b4a7e0a2a4 ("staging: vt6655: dpc.h: Replace C99 // comment by /bin /boot /dev /etc /home /initrd.img /initrd.img.old /lib /lib64 /lost+found /media /mnt /opt /proc /root /run /sbin /snap /srv /sys /tmp /usr /var /vmlinuz /vmlinuz.old */") df1404650ccb ("mac80211: remove support for IFF_PROMISC") fee7506a121a ("staging: vt6655: mac80211 conversion: add new key functions") How should we proceed with this patch? -- Thanks, Sasha