Hi all, We talked about many topics at the Linux Plumbers' Conference in Santa Fe on Tuesday. I took fairly detailed notes, which you can find at the links below. Fancy html commentable version: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Cr2bEf23wLkhiXXtyuBJtvvpb9xvCw7zsU-m1q1g4tA/edit Less fancy version that (I think) will not ask for a Google account (let me know if it gives you trouble): https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vQXbVQ-3zQt3Bcr3OWfwzbw_C49tTvf0ed8Hmf7b20E6tXc3a40tWZmPku49iGDE-OhgxNmO_lkkHEn/pub Thanks, everyone, for the great discussion! Have fun, Avery