I've recently bought myself an USB device, based on the RTL8192CU
chipset, running under 64bit kernel 3.15.0-rc6 at the moment.
Firmware is installed where it should be.
Debuglog of the kernel is here:
The problem is this: I am running the device in managed mode and let it
connect to my AP.
First all works as intended, but after a short while the device always
stops working altogether.
No output in the kernel log, not even about deauthenticating but it just
stops working at all, no traffic anymore, I've got to unplug it or
unload and reload the driver and then the same starts all over again.
This seems to be a long lasting regression
( and
there's also a repository on Github containing the original Realtek
driver ported up to kernel version 3.11
(, because the kernel driver
seemed to be not working flawlessly until then.
So my question is: what else could/should I do to get a stable, working
wifi connection with that device on my linux box that lasts more than
just a few minutes?
Thanks in advance.
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