Hello Larry/Mailing list!
I have compiled and installed the new wireless-testing kernel from git.
I'm sure I used the new kernel, as the device lighted up as soon as I
plugged in. (And I got some new atheros ac module at "make oldconfig".)
There was no need for manual echo or modprobe.
Yet, the device is not working. It dies at the very same step.
Here is the dmesg: http://pastebin.com/C1MNdFiw
Please, let me know if I can help with anything.
Any debug option, patch or things like that.
My offer is still there Larry, I'm willing to give you a full SSH access
to the machine with this stuff plugged in.
Besides that, I have no other idea.
! My router runs OpenWRT (latest stable), so I could also gather info
from there. If it's possible.
(I checked dmesg but there is nothing. Only some non-crucial info about
the generic eth ports and such.)
Thank you for the help.
(By the way if the chip is rare (no other people will benefit), then I
can just get it back and ask for a refund. But if others use it as well,
then it's not a waste of time... I guess.)
On 2013-06-26 18:14, Larry Finger wrote:
On 06/26/2013 06:30 AM, shiki.biomernok wrote:
Hello everyone!
CC'ing my original message that I sent to Larry.
It's been a while, but I've been busy and I couldn't fiddle with the
Basically it's a 8192cu device. Larry suspected it's not, but I think
he saw the
advertisement displayed on top of the TP-Link page.
I even mailed TP-Link, and here is the reply:
The chipset is Realtek RTL8192CU and you can download the driver
Thank you.
Tested with many kernels, but none of them worked.
Ubuntu 13.04 (both stock + updated), Fedora (Schrodinger-1), Fedora Beta
(Schrodinger), openSUSE (normal+tumbleweed).
I even tried the latest kernels since 3.10-rc4. (latest I tried is -rc7)
Basically this device *should* work with the 8192cu driver, but it
just won't.
If you just plug it in, nothing happens.
You have to first:
$ modprobe 8192cu
$ echo 2357 0100 > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/rtl8192cu/new_id
Then it lights up, it shows up in NM-Applet. But it won't work.
I tried enabling the realtek debug option at the kernel driver, but
it didn't help.
Even with that, I only see the authentication failed messages.
Dmesg shows the errors: http://pastebin.com/QCfXYCZ1
Hope you guys can come up with some tips/ideas.
Ps.: I hope you don't mind the CC Larry.
No, that is what I told you to do.
A patch has been submitted to add that device to the USB_DEVICE table.
It is included in the wireless-testing git tree, but it is not in the
mainline code (yet). After that patch was applied, the device worked
for that reported.
I noticed that you are getting an oops from iwlwifi, and an ehci-hcd
error. Are you also exploring these problems?
If possible, could you use the wireless-testing repo? That will get
you the latest code for all wireless drivers, and the USB code will
match mainline.
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