On 06/26/2013 06:30 AM, shiki.biomernok wrote:
Hello everyone!
CC'ing my original message that I sent to Larry.
It's been a while, but I've been busy and I couldn't fiddle with the wireless
Basically it's a 8192cu device. Larry suspected it's not, but I think he saw the
advertisement displayed on top of the TP-Link page.
I even mailed TP-Link, and here is the reply:
The chipset is Realtek RTL8192CU and you can download the driver
Thank you.
Tested with many kernels, but none of them worked.
Ubuntu 13.04 (both stock + updated), Fedora (Schrodinger-1), Fedora Beta
(Schrodinger), openSUSE (normal+tumbleweed).
I even tried the latest kernels since 3.10-rc4. (latest I tried is -rc7)
Basically this device *should* work with the 8192cu driver, but it just won't.
If you just plug it in, nothing happens.
You have to first:
$ modprobe 8192cu
$ echo 2357 0100 > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/rtl8192cu/new_id
Then it lights up, it shows up in NM-Applet. But it won't work.
I tried enabling the realtek debug option at the kernel driver, but it didn't help.
Even with that, I only see the authentication failed messages.
Dmesg shows the errors: http://pastebin.com/QCfXYCZ1
Hope you guys can come up with some tips/ideas.
Ps.: I hope you don't mind the CC Larry.
No, that is what I told you to do.
A patch has been submitted to add that device to the USB_DEVICE table. It is
included in the wireless-testing git tree, but it is not in the mainline code
(yet). After that patch was applied, the device worked for that reported.
I noticed that you are getting an oops from iwlwifi, and an ehci-hcd error. Are
you also exploring these problems?
If possible, could you use the wireless-testing repo? That will get you the
latest code for all wireless drivers, and the USB code will match mainline.
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