Unable to connect to CLEAR Boston under Fedora 14-Alpha i686

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I have a Dell Latitude E6500 that came with an Intel WiMAX/WiFi Link 5150.  Under Windows 7 x64, I am able to connect to CLEAR Boston without any issue.  However I have not been able to connect at all under Linux yet.  I am using the latest versions of the i2400m driver, firmware, and the userspace components (obtained from git).

I first tried to get this working with RHEL 6 x86_64 (which we will use at work); this involved patching its kernel 2.6.32-44.2.el6.x86_64 to update the i2400m driver to version 1.5.  However each time I tried to connect, wimaxcu returned "Connection failure".  Now I am trying to even get this working under Fedora 14-Alpha i686, which is 32-bit and already comes with kernel -- but I am having the same issue.

Below I am including information that I hope is relevant to identifying the problem.  I increased the debug output per website FAQ 6.4.  Please let me know what additional information I can provide.  Thanks in advance for your help.


----- My installation procedure -----

# Install build dependencies

sudo yum install git patch libtool libnl-devel openssl-devel

# Disable NetworkManager control of device

sudo tee /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wmx0 > /dev/null << _EOF
sudo chcon -u system_u /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wmx0

# Install firmware

wget -O - 'http://linuxwimax.org/Download?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=i2400m-fw-1.5.0.tar.bz2' | tar -xjf -
sudo cp i2400m-fw-1.5.0/i2400m-fw-usb-1.5.sbcf i2400m-fw-1.5.0/i6050-fw-usb-1.5.sbcf /lib/firmware/
sudo chcon -u system_u /lib/firmware/i2400m-fw-usb-1.5.sbcf /lib/firmware/i6050-fw-usb-1.5.sbcf

# Build and install open-source supplicant (libeap)

wget -O - 'http://hostap.epitest.fi/releases/wpa_supplicant-0.6.10.tar.gz' | tar -xzf -
cd wpa_supplicant-0.6.10/
wget -O - 'http://linuxwimax.org/Download?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=wpa_supplicant-0.6.10-generate-libeap-peer.patch' | patch -p1
cd wpa_supplicant/
cp defconfig .config
# wpa_supplicant is already installed; I am only installing libeap, into /usr/local
make install DESTDIR=/tmp/wpa_supplicant-0.6.10-dist
sudo cp -R /tmp/wpa_supplicant-0.6.10-dist/usr/include/eap_peer/ /usr/local/include/
sudo cp /tmp/wpa_supplicant-0.6.10-dist/usr/lib/libeap.so.0.0.0 /usr/local/lib/
sudo cp /tmp/wpa_supplicant-0.6.10-dist/usr/lib/pkgconfig/libeap0.pc /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/
sudo sed -i -e 's|/usr|/usr/local|g' /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/libeap0.pc
# I think the version number in libeap0.pc is wrong?
sudo sed -i -e 's/0.6.7/0.6.10/g' /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/libeap0.pc
# ldconfig does not search /usr/local/lib by default in Fedora/RHEL
sudo sed -i -e '1i/usr/local/lib' /etc/ld.so.conf
sudo ldconfig
cd ../../

# Build and install wimax-tools

git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/inaky/wimax-tools.git
cd wimax-tools/
./configure --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
cd ../

# Build and install wimax-network-service

git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/networking/wimax/wimax-network-service.git
cd wimax-network-service/
# autoreconf needed to avoid 'configure' being called again during 'make'
autoreconf -i
PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/pkgconfig" ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --enable-instrument
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
cd ..


----- My connection attempt -----

$ sudo modprobe -r iwlagn
$ wimaxcu ron                # command issued at 13:05:00
SW Radio is turned ON.
$ wimaxcu scan preferred     # command issued at 13:10:00

Network found.
NSP : Comcast
        ID          : 48
        Signal      : Excellent
        RSSI        : -57 dBm
        CINR        : 27 dB
        Network Type: Home Network

Network found.
        ID          : 2
        Signal      : Excellent
        RSSI        : -57 dBm
        CINR        : 27 dB
        Network Type: Home Network

Network found.
        ID          : 47
        Signal      : Excellent
        RSSI        : -57 dBm
        CINR        : 27 dB
        Network Type: Home Network

Network found.
NSP : Time Warner Cable 4G
        ID          : 51
        Signal      : Excellent
        RSSI        : -57 dBm
        CINR        : 27 dB
        Network Type: Home Network
$ wimaxcu connect profile 2  # command issued at 13:15:00
Connecting to CLEAR Network...
Connection failure

----- /var/log/wimax/fwtrace.trc -----

(file is empty)

----- /var/log/wimax/system_log -----

{pid:978, tid: 3079351152 time = 13:00:58} [1285434058] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:316 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_DecryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_DecryptBuffer [IN]
{pid:978, tid: 3079351152 time = 13:00:58} [1285434058] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:342 Error: [OSAL_Crypt_DecryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_DecryptBuffer : Obfuscation disbaled
{pid:978, tid: 3079351152 time = 13:00:58} [1285434058] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:410 Error: [OSAL_Crypt_DecryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_DecryptBuffer [OUT]
{pid:978, tid: 3079351152 time = 13:00:58} [1285434058] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:1443 Error: [OSAL_L3L4_WideCharToMultiByte]cchWideChar: -1, cbMultiByte: 124
{pid:978, tid: 3079351152 time = 13:00:58} [1285434058] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:1488 Error: [OSAL_L3L4_WideCharToMultiByte]Updated cchWideChar: 30, converted 30 chars, Output string: Intel(R) WiMAX/WiFi Link 5150
{pid:978, tid: 3079351152 time = 13:00:58} [1285434058] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:1443 Error: [OSAL_L3L4_WideCharToMultiByte]cchWideChar: -1, cbMultiByte: 124
{pid:978, tid: 3079351152 time = 13:00:58} [1285434058] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:1488 Error: [OSAL_L3L4_WideCharToMultiByte]Updated cchWideChar: 25, converted 25 chars, Output string: Intel(R) WiMAX Link 5150
{pid:978, tid: 3079351152 time = 13:00:58} [1285434058] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:1443 Error: [OSAL_L3L4_WideCharToMultiByte]cchWideChar: -1, cbMultiByte: 124
{pid:978, tid: 3079351152 time = 13:00:58} [1285434058] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:1488 Error: [OSAL_L3L4_WideCharToMultiByte]Updated cchWideChar: 21, converted 21 chars, Output string: Intel(R) Corporation
{pid:978, tid: 3079351152 time = 13:00:58} [1285434058] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:316 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_DecryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_DecryptBuffer [IN]
{pid:978, tid: 3079351152 time = 13:00:58} [1285434058] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:342 Error: [OSAL_Crypt_DecryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_DecryptBuffer : Obfuscation disbaled
{pid:978, tid: 3079351152 time = 13:00:58} [1285434058] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:410 Error: [OSAL_Crypt_DecryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_DecryptBuffer [OUT]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:00:58} [1285434058] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:1443 Error: [OSAL_L3L4_WideCharToMultiByte]cchWideChar: -1, cbMultiByte: 124
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:00:58} [1285434058] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:1488 Error: [OSAL_L3L4_WideCharToMultiByte]Updated cchWideChar: 30, converted 30 chars, Output string: Intel(R) WiMAX/WiFi Link 5150
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:00:58} [1285434058] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:1443 Error: [OSAL_L3L4_WideCharToMultiByte]cchWideChar: -1, cbMultiByte: 124
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:00:58} [1285434058] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:1488 Error: [OSAL_L3L4_WideCharToMultiByte]Updated cchWideChar: 25, converted 25 chars, Output string: Intel(R) WiMAX Link 5150
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:00:58} [1285434058] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:1443 Error: [OSAL_L3L4_WideCharToMultiByte]cchWideChar: -1, cbMultiByte: 124
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:00:58} [1285434058] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:1488 Error: [OSAL_L3L4_WideCharToMultiByte]Updated cchWideChar: 21, converted 21 chars, Output string: Intel(R) Corporation
{pid:978, tid: 3079351152 time = 13:00:59} [1285434059] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_primitives.c:575 Error: [OSAL_unlock_mutex]Failed to release mutex. error: 2
{pid:978, tid: 3079351152 time = 13:00:59} [1285434059] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_primitives.c:575 Error: [OSAL_unlock_mutex]Failed to release mutex. error: 2
{pid:978, tid: 3006266224 time = 13:05:01} [1285434301] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:90 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [IN]
{pid:978, tid: 3006266224 time = 13:05:01} [1285434301] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:124 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer: Obfuscation disbaled
{pid:978, tid: 3006266224 time = 13:05:01} [1285434301] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:130 Error: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer: In-corrected buffer Len
{pid:978, tid: 3006266224 time = 13:05:01} [1285434301] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:90 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [IN]
{pid:978, tid: 3006266224 time = 13:05:01} [1285434301] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:124 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer: Obfuscation disbaled
{pid:978, tid: 3006266224 time = 13:05:01} [1285434301] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:292 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [OUT]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:05:01} [1285434301] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:2396, tid: 3059739504 time = 13:05:02} [1285434302] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_primitives.c:727 Error: [OSAL_timedjoin_thread]thread join failed. err: 0
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:05:15} [1285434315] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:05:16} [1285434316] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:05:27} [1285434327] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:05:33} [1285434333] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:05:37} [1285434337] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:05:37} [1285434337] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:90 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [IN]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:05:37} [1285434337] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:124 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer: Obfuscation disbaled
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:05:37} [1285434337] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:130 Error: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer: In-corrected buffer Len
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:05:37} [1285434337] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:90 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [IN]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:05:37} [1285434337] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:124 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer: Obfuscation disbaled
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:05:37} [1285434337] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:292 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [OUT]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:06:04} [1285434364] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:06:15} [1285434375] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:06:21} [1285434381] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:06:25} [1285434385] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:06:25} [1285434385] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:90 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [IN]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:06:25} [1285434385] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:124 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer: Obfuscation disbaled
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:06:25} [1285434385] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:292 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [OUT]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:06:52} [1285434412] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:07:03} [1285434423] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:07:09} [1285434429] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:07:13} [1285434433] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:07:13} [1285434433] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:90 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [IN]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:07:13} [1285434433] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:124 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer: Obfuscation disbaled
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:07:13} [1285434433] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:292 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [OUT]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:07:40} [1285434460] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:07:51} [1285434471] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:07:57} [1285434477] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:08:01} [1285434481] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:08:01} [1285434481] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:90 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [IN]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:08:01} [1285434481] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:124 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer: Obfuscation disbaled
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:08:01} [1285434481] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:292 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [OUT]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:08:28} [1285434508] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:08:39} [1285434519] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:08:45} [1285434525] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:08:49} [1285434529] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:08:49} [1285434529] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:90 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [IN]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:08:49} [1285434529] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:124 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer: Obfuscation disbaled
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:08:49} [1285434529] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:292 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [OUT]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:09:16} [1285434556] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:09:27} [1285434567] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:09:33} [1285434573] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:09:37} [1285434577] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:09:37} [1285434577] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:90 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [IN]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:09:37} [1285434577] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:124 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer: Obfuscation disbaled
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:09:37} [1285434577] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:292 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [OUT]
{pid:2412, tid: 3060788080 time = 13:10:02} [1285434602] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_primitives.c:727 Error: [OSAL_timedjoin_thread]thread join failed. err: 0
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:10:04} [1285434604] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:10:15} [1285434615] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:10:21} [1285434621] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:10:25} [1285434625] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:10:25} [1285434625] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:90 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [IN]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:10:25} [1285434625] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:124 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer: Obfuscation disbaled
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:10:25} [1285434625] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:292 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [OUT]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:12:36} [1285434756] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:12:42} [1285434762] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:12:48} [1285434768] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:12:52} [1285434772] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:12:52} [1285434772] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:90 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [IN]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:12:52} [1285434772] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:124 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer: Obfuscation disbaled
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:12:52} [1285434772] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:292 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [OUT]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:15:00} [1285434900] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:15:09} [1285434909] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:90 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [IN]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:15:09} [1285434909] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:124 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer: Obfuscation disbaled
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:15:09} [1285434909] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:292 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [OUT]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:15:09} [1285434909] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:1443 Error: [OSAL_L3L4_WideCharToMultiByte]cchWideChar: -1, cbMultiByte: 124
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:15:09} [1285434909] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:1488 Error: [OSAL_L3L4_WideCharToMultiByte]Updated cchWideChar: 30, converted 30 chars, Output string: Intel(R) WiMAX/WiFi Link 5150
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:15:09} [1285434909] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:1443 Error: [OSAL_L3L4_WideCharToMultiByte]cchWideChar: -1, cbMultiByte: 124
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:15:09} [1285434909] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:1488 Error: [OSAL_L3L4_WideCharToMultiByte]Updated cchWideChar: 25, converted 25 chars, Output string: Intel(R) WiMAX Link 5150
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:15:09} [1285434909] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:1443 Error: [OSAL_L3L4_WideCharToMultiByte]cchWideChar: -1, cbMultiByte: 124
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:15:09} [1285434909] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:1488 Error: [OSAL_L3L4_WideCharToMultiByte]Updated cchWideChar: 21, converted 21 chars, Output string: Intel(R) Corporation
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:15:29} [1285434929] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:1443 Error: [OSAL_L3L4_WideCharToMultiByte]cchWideChar: -1, cbMultiByte: 124
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:15:29} [1285434929] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:1488 Error: [OSAL_L3L4_WideCharToMultiByte]Updated cchWideChar: 30, converted 30 chars, Output string: Intel(R) WiMAX/WiFi Link 5150
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:15:29} [1285434929] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:1443 Error: [OSAL_L3L4_WideCharToMultiByte]cchWideChar: -1, cbMultiByte: 124
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:15:29} [1285434929] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:1488 Error: [OSAL_L3L4_WideCharToMultiByte]Updated cchWideChar: 25, converted 25 chars, Output string: Intel(R) WiMAX Link 5150
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:15:29} [1285434929] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:1443 Error: [OSAL_L3L4_WideCharToMultiByte]cchWideChar: -1, cbMultiByte: 124
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:15:29} [1285434929] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:1488 Error: [OSAL_L3L4_WideCharToMultiByte]Updated cchWideChar: 21, converted 21 chars, Output string: Intel(R) Corporation
{pid:2433, tid: 3060788080 time = 13:15:30} [1285434930] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_primitives.c:727 Error: [OSAL_timedjoin_thread]thread join failed. err: 0
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:15:38} [1285434938] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:15:39} [1285434939] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:15:45} [1285434945] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:15:55} [1285434955] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:15:55} [1285434955] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:90 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [IN]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:15:55} [1285434955] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:124 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer: Obfuscation disbaled
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:15:55} [1285434955] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:130 Error: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer: In-corrected buffer Len
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:15:55} [1285434955] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:90 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [IN]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:15:55} [1285434955] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:124 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer: Obfuscation disbaled
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:15:55} [1285434955] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:292 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [OUT]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:16:24} [1285434984] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:16:30} [1285434990] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:16:36} [1285434996] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:16:40} [1285435000] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:16:40} [1285435000] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:90 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [IN]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:16:40} [1285435000] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:124 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer: Obfuscation disbaled
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:16:40} [1285435000] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:292 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [OUT]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:17:09} [1285435029] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:17:15} [1285435035] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:17:21} [1285435041] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:17:25} [1285435045] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:17:25} [1285435045] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:90 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [IN]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:17:25} [1285435045] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:124 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer: Obfuscation disbaled
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:17:25} [1285435045] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:292 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [OUT]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:17:54} [1285435074] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:18:00} [1285435080] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:18:06} [1285435086] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:18:10} [1285435090] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:18:10} [1285435090] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:90 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [IN]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:18:10} [1285435090] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:124 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer: Obfuscation disbaled
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:18:10} [1285435090] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:292 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [OUT]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:18:39} [1285435119] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:18:45} [1285435125] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:18:51} [1285435131] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:18:55} [1285435135] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:18:55} [1285435135] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:90 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [IN]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:18:55} [1285435135] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:124 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer: Obfuscation disbaled
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:18:55} [1285435135] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:292 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [OUT]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:19:24} [1285435164] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:19:30} [1285435170] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:19:36} [1285435176] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:19:40} [1285435180] ././Primitives/wimax_osal_strings.c:64 Error: [OSAL_memcpy_s]Exit Error source buffer is NULL or format is NULL
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:19:40} [1285435180] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:90 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [IN]
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:19:40} [1285435180] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:124 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer: Obfuscation disbaled
{pid:978, tid: 3069180784 time = 13:19:40} [1285435180] ././Services/wimax_osal_crypt_services.c:292 Info: [OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer]OSAL_Crypt_EncryptBuffer [OUT]

----- /var/log/wimax/wimaxcu.log -----

13:05:00:  3077765328 @All      @ALL            @PIPE_HANDLER_Init(IN). pipehandler_numOfInits=0 [PIPE_HANDLER_Init]                                                                                   @PipeHandler_Ctrl.c(75)  @wimaxcu
13:05:01:  3077765328 @All      @ALL            @PIPE_HANDLER_Init(OUT) [PIPE_HANDLER_Init]                                                                                                            @PipeHandler_Ctrl.c(91)  @wimaxcu
13:05:01:  3077765328 @All      @ALL            @PIPE_HANDLER_Finalize(IN). pipehandler_numOfInits=1 [PIPE_HANDLER_Finalize]                                                                           @PipeHandler_Ctrl.c(51)  @wimaxcu
13:05:02:  3077765328 @All      @ALL            @PIPE_HANDLER_Finalize(OUT) [PIPE_HANDLER_Finalize]                                                                                                    @PipeHandler_Ctrl.c(68)  @wimaxcu
13:10:00:  3078998224 @All      @ALL            @PIPE_HANDLER_Init(IN). pipehandler_numOfInits=0 [PIPE_HANDLER_Init]                                                                                   @PipeHandler_Ctrl.c(75)  @wimaxcu
13:10:01:  3078998224 @All      @ALL            @PIPE_HANDLER_Init(OUT) [PIPE_HANDLER_Init]                                                                                                            @PipeHandler_Ctrl.c(91)  @wimaxcu
13:10:02:  3078998224 @All      @ALL            @PIPE_HANDLER_Finalize(IN). pipehandler_numOfInits=1 [PIPE_HANDLER_Finalize]                                                                           @PipeHandler_Ctrl.c(51)  @wimaxcu
13:10:02:  3078998224 @All      @ALL            @PIPE_HANDLER_Finalize(OUT) [PIPE_HANDLER_Finalize]                                                                                                    @PipeHandler_Ctrl.c(68)  @wimaxcu
13:15:01:  3078813904 @All      @ALL            @PIPE_HANDLER_Init(IN). pipehandler_numOfInits=0 [PIPE_HANDLER_Init]                                                                                   @PipeHandler_Ctrl.c(75)  @wimaxcu
13:15:01:  3078813904 @All      @ALL            @PIPE_HANDLER_Init(OUT) [PIPE_HANDLER_Init]                                                                                                            @PipeHandler_Ctrl.c(91)  @wimaxcu
13:15:29:  3078813904 @All      @ALL            @PIPE_HANDLER_Finalize(IN). pipehandler_numOfInits=1 [PIPE_HANDLER_Finalize]                                                                           @PipeHandler_Ctrl.c(51)  @wimaxcu
13:15:30:  3078813904 @All      @ALL            @PIPE_HANDLER_Finalize(OUT) [PIPE_HANDLER_Finalize]                                                                                                    @PipeHandler_Ctrl.c(68)  @wimaxcu

----- /var/log/wimax/wimaxd.log -----

13:00:58:  3079351152 @All      @ACT            @Act_HandlingThreadFunc STARTED!! [Act_HandlingThreadFunc]                                                                                             @Act.c           (893)   @wimaxd
13:00:58:  3079354048 @All      @ACT            @AppSrv is ready [Act_Initialize]                                                                                                                      @Act.c           (1275)  @wimaxd
13:00:58:  3079351152 @All      @ACT            @Got act_event_fullRestart event [Act_HandlingThreadFunc]                                                                                              @Act.c           (931)   @wimaxd
13:00:58:  3079351152 @Error    @ACT            @Entering... [Act_GetSystemState]                                                                                                                      @Act.c           (341)   @wimaxd
13:00:58:  3079351152 @Error    @ACT            @Entering... [Act_GetSystemState]                                                                                                                      @Act.c           (341)   @wimaxd
13:00:58:  3079351152 @Error    @ACT            @Populate_LedStruct F1 [Populate_LedStruct]                                                                                                            @DeviceConfiguration.c(97)       @wimaxd
13:00:58:  3079351152 @Error    @ACT            @cannot set LED param. driver returned 12 [Act_SetDeviceConfigParam]                                                                                   @Act.c           (411)   @wimaxd
13:00:58:  3079351152 @Error    @ACT            @Entering... [Act_GetSystemState]                                                                                                                      @Act.c           (341)   @wimaxd
13:00:59:  3079351152 @Error    @ACT            @Entering... [Act_GetSystemState]                                                                                                                      @Act.c           (341)   @wimaxd
13:00:59:  3079351152 @All      @ACT            @Got act_event_driverUpEvent event [Act_HandlingThreadFunc]                                                                                            @Act.c           (916)   @wimaxd
13:00:59:  3079351152 @All      @ACT            @Act_DriverDeviceStatus - DRIVER_UP [UpdateDriverStateToAgents]                                                                                        @Act.c           (866)   @wimaxd
13:00:59:  3079351152 @Error    @ACT            @Entering... [Act_GetSystemState]                                                                                                                      @Act.c           (341)   @wimaxd
13:05:01:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @----> L4S_SetDiscreteCfg: Setting num of channels. Previous: 0, Next: 30 [L4S_SetDiscreteCfg]                                                         @NDnS_L4Scanner.c(401)   @wimaxd
13:05:01:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after L4db_DeleteDuplicatedChannelsInAllDetectedChannels after save to db -- > [AgeAvailableNspsList]@NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(581)        @wimaxd
13:05:01:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after TTL Decrease [AgeAvailableNspsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(586)       @wimaxd
13:05:10:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:05:10:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:05:10:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays: l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays failed [l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays]                                                         @NDnSAgent_L4P.c (73)    @wimaxd
13:05:10:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @UpdatePreferredIndex error in L4P_GetPreferredNspList status=14 [UpdatePreferredIndex]                                                                @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(323)       @wimaxd
13:05:15:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:05:15:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:05:16:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:05:16:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:05:22:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:05:22:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:05:22:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays: l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays failed [l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays]                                                         @NDnSAgent_L4P.c (73)    @wimaxd
13:05:22:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @UpdatePreferredIndex error in L4P_GetPreferredNspList status=14 [UpdatePreferredIndex]                                                                @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(323)       @wimaxd
13:05:27:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:05:27:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:05:33:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:05:33:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:05:37:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:05:37:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:05:37:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_ApplyNextScanParams before AgeAvailableNspsList-- > [L4C_ApplyNextScanParams]                                  @NDnSAgent.c     (2318)  @wimaxd
13:05:57:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after L4db_DeleteDuplicatedChannelsInAllDetectedChannels after save to db -- > [AgeAvailableNspsList]@NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(581)        @wimaxd
13:05:57:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after TTL Decrease [AgeAvailableNspsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(586)       @wimaxd
13:06:03:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:06:03:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:06:03:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays: l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays failed [l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays]                                                         @NDnSAgent_L4P.c (73)    @wimaxd
13:06:03:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @UpdatePreferredIndex error in L4P_GetPreferredNspList status=14 [UpdatePreferredIndex]                                                                @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(323)       @wimaxd
13:06:04:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:06:04:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:06:10:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:06:10:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:06:10:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays: l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays failed [l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays]                                                         @NDnSAgent_L4P.c (73)    @wimaxd
13:06:10:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @UpdatePreferredIndex error in L4P_GetPreferredNspList status=14 [UpdatePreferredIndex]                                                                @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(323)       @wimaxd
13:06:15:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:06:15:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:06:21:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:06:21:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:06:25:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:06:25:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:06:25:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_ApplyNextScanParams before AgeAvailableNspsList-- > [L4C_ApplyNextScanParams]                                  @NDnSAgent.c     (2318)  @wimaxd
13:06:45:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after L4db_DeleteDuplicatedChannelsInAllDetectedChannels after save to db -- > [AgeAvailableNspsList]@NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(581)        @wimaxd
13:06:45:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after TTL Decrease [AgeAvailableNspsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(586)       @wimaxd
13:06:51:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:06:51:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:06:51:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays: l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays failed [l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays]                                                         @NDnSAgent_L4P.c (73)    @wimaxd
13:06:51:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @UpdatePreferredIndex error in L4P_GetPreferredNspList status=14 [UpdatePreferredIndex]                                                                @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(323)       @wimaxd
13:06:52:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:06:52:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:06:58:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:06:58:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:06:58:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays: l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays failed [l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays]                                                         @NDnSAgent_L4P.c (73)    @wimaxd
13:06:58:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @UpdatePreferredIndex error in L4P_GetPreferredNspList status=14 [UpdatePreferredIndex]                                                                @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(323)       @wimaxd
13:07:03:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:07:03:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:07:09:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:07:09:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:07:13:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:07:13:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:07:13:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_ApplyNextScanParams before AgeAvailableNspsList-- > [L4C_ApplyNextScanParams]                                  @NDnSAgent.c     (2318)  @wimaxd
13:07:33:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after L4db_DeleteDuplicatedChannelsInAllDetectedChannels after save to db -- > [AgeAvailableNspsList]@NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(581)        @wimaxd
13:07:33:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after TTL Decrease [AgeAvailableNspsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(586)       @wimaxd
13:07:39:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:07:39:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:07:39:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays: l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays failed [l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays]                                                         @NDnSAgent_L4P.c (73)    @wimaxd
13:07:39:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @UpdatePreferredIndex error in L4P_GetPreferredNspList status=14 [UpdatePreferredIndex]                                                                @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(323)       @wimaxd
13:07:40:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:07:40:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:07:46:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:07:46:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:07:46:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays: l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays failed [l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays]                                                         @NDnSAgent_L4P.c (73)    @wimaxd
13:07:46:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @UpdatePreferredIndex error in L4P_GetPreferredNspList status=14 [UpdatePreferredIndex]                                                                @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(323)       @wimaxd
13:07:51:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:07:51:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:07:57:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:07:57:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:08:01:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:08:01:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:08:01:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_ApplyNextScanParams before AgeAvailableNspsList-- > [L4C_ApplyNextScanParams]                                  @NDnSAgent.c     (2318)  @wimaxd
13:08:21:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after L4db_DeleteDuplicatedChannelsInAllDetectedChannels after save to db -- > [AgeAvailableNspsList]@NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(581)        @wimaxd
13:08:21:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after TTL Decrease [AgeAvailableNspsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(586)       @wimaxd
13:08:27:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:08:27:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:08:27:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays: l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays failed [l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays]                                                         @NDnSAgent_L4P.c (73)    @wimaxd
13:08:27:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @UpdatePreferredIndex error in L4P_GetPreferredNspList status=14 [UpdatePreferredIndex]                                                                @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(323)       @wimaxd
13:08:28:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:08:28:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:08:34:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:08:34:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:08:34:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays: l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays failed [l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays]                                                         @NDnSAgent_L4P.c (73)    @wimaxd
13:08:34:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @UpdatePreferredIndex error in L4P_GetPreferredNspList status=14 [UpdatePreferredIndex]                                                                @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(323)       @wimaxd
13:08:39:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:08:39:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:08:45:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:08:45:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:08:49:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:08:49:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:08:49:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_ApplyNextScanParams before AgeAvailableNspsList-- > [L4C_ApplyNextScanParams]                                  @NDnSAgent.c     (2318)  @wimaxd
13:09:09:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after L4db_DeleteDuplicatedChannelsInAllDetectedChannels after save to db -- > [AgeAvailableNspsList]@NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(581)        @wimaxd
13:09:09:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after TTL Decrease [AgeAvailableNspsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(586)       @wimaxd
13:09:15:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:09:15:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:09:15:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays: l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays failed [l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays]                                                         @NDnSAgent_L4P.c (73)    @wimaxd
13:09:15:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @UpdatePreferredIndex error in L4P_GetPreferredNspList status=14 [UpdatePreferredIndex]                                                                @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(323)       @wimaxd
13:09:16:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:09:16:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:09:22:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:09:22:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:09:22:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays: l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays failed [l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays]                                                         @NDnSAgent_L4P.c (73)    @wimaxd
13:09:22:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @UpdatePreferredIndex error in L4P_GetPreferredNspList status=14 [UpdatePreferredIndex]                                                                @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(323)       @wimaxd
13:09:27:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:09:27:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:09:33:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:09:33:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:09:37:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:09:37:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:09:37:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_ApplyNextScanParams before AgeAvailableNspsList-- > [L4C_ApplyNextScanParams]                                  @NDnSAgent.c     (2318)  @wimaxd
13:09:57:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after L4db_DeleteDuplicatedChannelsInAllDetectedChannels after save to db -- > [AgeAvailableNspsList]@NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(581)        @wimaxd
13:09:57:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after TTL Decrease [AgeAvailableNspsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(586)       @wimaxd
13:10:03:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:10:03:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:10:03:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays: l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays failed [l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays]                                                         @NDnSAgent_L4P.c (73)    @wimaxd
13:10:03:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @UpdatePreferredIndex error in L4P_GetPreferredNspList status=14 [UpdatePreferredIndex]                                                                @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(323)       @wimaxd
13:10:04:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:10:04:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:10:10:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:10:10:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:10:10:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays: l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays failed [l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays]                                                         @NDnSAgent_L4P.c (73)    @wimaxd
13:10:10:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @UpdatePreferredIndex error in L4P_GetPreferredNspList status=14 [UpdatePreferredIndex]                                                                @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(323)       @wimaxd
13:10:15:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:10:15:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:10:21:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:10:21:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:10:25:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:10:25:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:10:25:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_ApplyNextScanParams before AgeAvailableNspsList-- > [L4C_ApplyNextScanParams]                                  @NDnSAgent.c     (2318)  @wimaxd
13:10:25:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @----> L4S_SetDiscreteCfg: Setting num of channels. Previous: 30, Next: 30 [L4S_SetDiscreteCfg]                                                        @NDnS_L4Scanner.c(401)   @wimaxd
13:12:25:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after L4db_DeleteDuplicatedChannelsInAllDetectedChannels after save to db -- > [AgeAvailableNspsList]@NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(581)        @wimaxd
13:12:25:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after TTL Decrease [AgeAvailableNspsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(586)       @wimaxd
13:12:33:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:12:33:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:12:33:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays: l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays failed [l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays]                                                         @NDnSAgent_L4P.c (73)    @wimaxd
13:12:33:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @UpdatePreferredIndex error in L4P_GetPreferredNspList status=14 [UpdatePreferredIndex]                                                                @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(323)       @wimaxd
13:12:36:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:12:36:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:12:42:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:12:42:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:12:48:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:12:48:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:12:52:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:12:52:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:12:52:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_ApplyNextScanParams before AgeAvailableNspsList-- > [L4C_ApplyNextScanParams]                                  @NDnSAgent.c     (2318)  @wimaxd
13:14:52:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after L4db_DeleteDuplicatedChannelsInAllDetectedChannels after save to db -- > [AgeAvailableNspsList]@NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(581)        @wimaxd
13:14:52:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after TTL Decrease [AgeAvailableNspsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(586)       @wimaxd
13:14:57:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:14:57:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:14:57:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays: l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays failed [l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays]                                                         @NDnSAgent_L4P.c (73)    @wimaxd
13:14:57:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @UpdatePreferredIndex error in L4P_GetPreferredNspList status=14 [UpdatePreferredIndex]                                                                @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(323)       @wimaxd
13:15:00:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:15:00:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:15:06:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @L4P_GetMaxDetectedChannelPerNsp returned rc = [0] [l4P_GeneratePreferredScanCurrent]                                                                  @NDnSAgent_L4P.c (1233)  @wimaxd
13:15:06:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @L4db_GetMaxChannelsPerProvisionedNsp returned rc = [0] : &provisionedChannelArr.arrSize = [18] [l4P_GeneratePreferredScanCurrent]                     @NDnSAgent_L4P.c (1255)  @wimaxd
13:15:06:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @----> L4S_SetDiscreteCfg: Setting num of channels. Previous: 30, Next: 18 [L4S_SetDiscreteCfg]                                                        @NDnS_L4Scanner.c(401)   @wimaxd
13:15:06:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after L4db_DeleteDuplicatedChannelsInAllDetectedChannels after save to db -- > [AgeAvailableNspsList]@NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(581)        @wimaxd
13:15:06:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after TTL Decrease [AgeAvailableNspsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(586)       @wimaxd
13:15:09:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:15:09:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:15:29:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @----> L4S_SetDiscreteCfg: Setting num of channels. Previous: 18, Next: 30 [L4S_SetDiscreteCfg]                                                        @NDnS_L4Scanner.c(401)   @wimaxd
13:15:36:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:15:36:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:15:36:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays: l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays failed [l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays]                                                         @NDnSAgent_L4P.c (73)    @wimaxd
13:15:36:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @UpdatePreferredIndex error in L4P_GetPreferredNspList status=14 [UpdatePreferredIndex]                                                                @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(323)       @wimaxd
13:15:38:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:15:38:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:15:39:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:15:39:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:15:45:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:15:45:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:15:55:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:15:55:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:15:55:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_ApplyNextScanParams before AgeAvailableNspsList-- > [L4C_ApplyNextScanParams]                                  @NDnSAgent.c     (2318)  @wimaxd
13:16:15:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after L4db_DeleteDuplicatedChannelsInAllDetectedChannels after save to db -- > [AgeAvailableNspsList]@NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(581)        @wimaxd
13:16:15:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after TTL Decrease [AgeAvailableNspsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(586)       @wimaxd
13:16:21:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:16:21:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:16:21:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays: l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays failed [l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays]                                                         @NDnSAgent_L4P.c (73)    @wimaxd
13:16:21:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @UpdatePreferredIndex error in L4P_GetPreferredNspList status=14 [UpdatePreferredIndex]                                                                @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(323)       @wimaxd
13:16:24:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:16:24:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:16:30:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:16:30:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:16:36:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:16:36:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:16:40:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:16:40:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:16:40:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_ApplyNextScanParams before AgeAvailableNspsList-- > [L4C_ApplyNextScanParams]                                  @NDnSAgent.c     (2318)  @wimaxd
13:17:00:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after L4db_DeleteDuplicatedChannelsInAllDetectedChannels after save to db -- > [AgeAvailableNspsList]@NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(581)        @wimaxd
13:17:00:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after TTL Decrease [AgeAvailableNspsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(586)       @wimaxd
13:17:06:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:17:06:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:17:06:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays: l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays failed [l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays]                                                         @NDnSAgent_L4P.c (73)    @wimaxd
13:17:06:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @UpdatePreferredIndex error in L4P_GetPreferredNspList status=14 [UpdatePreferredIndex]                                                                @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(323)       @wimaxd
13:17:09:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:17:09:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:17:15:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:17:15:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:17:21:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:17:21:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:17:25:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:17:25:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:17:25:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_ApplyNextScanParams before AgeAvailableNspsList-- > [L4C_ApplyNextScanParams]                                  @NDnSAgent.c     (2318)  @wimaxd
13:17:45:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after L4db_DeleteDuplicatedChannelsInAllDetectedChannels after save to db -- > [AgeAvailableNspsList]@NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(581)        @wimaxd
13:17:45:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after TTL Decrease [AgeAvailableNspsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(586)       @wimaxd
13:17:51:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:17:51:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:17:51:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays: l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays failed [l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays]                                                         @NDnSAgent_L4P.c (73)    @wimaxd
13:17:51:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @UpdatePreferredIndex error in L4P_GetPreferredNspList status=14 [UpdatePreferredIndex]                                                                @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(323)       @wimaxd
13:17:54:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:17:54:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:18:00:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:18:00:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:18:06:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:18:06:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:18:10:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:18:10:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:18:10:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_ApplyNextScanParams before AgeAvailableNspsList-- > [L4C_ApplyNextScanParams]                                  @NDnSAgent.c     (2318)  @wimaxd
13:18:30:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after L4db_DeleteDuplicatedChannelsInAllDetectedChannels after save to db -- > [AgeAvailableNspsList]@NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(581)        @wimaxd
13:18:30:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after TTL Decrease [AgeAvailableNspsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(586)       @wimaxd
13:18:36:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:18:36:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:18:36:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays: l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays failed [l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays]                                                         @NDnSAgent_L4P.c (73)    @wimaxd
13:18:36:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @UpdatePreferredIndex error in L4P_GetPreferredNspList status=14 [UpdatePreferredIndex]                                                                @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(323)       @wimaxd
13:18:39:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:18:39:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:18:45:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:18:45:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:18:51:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:18:51:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:18:55:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:18:55:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:18:55:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_ApplyNextScanParams before AgeAvailableNspsList-- > [L4C_ApplyNextScanParams]                                  @NDnSAgent.c     (2318)  @wimaxd
13:19:15:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after L4db_DeleteDuplicatedChannelsInAllDetectedChannels after save to db -- > [AgeAvailableNspsList]@NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(581)        @wimaxd
13:19:15:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after TTL Decrease [AgeAvailableNspsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(586)       @wimaxd
13:19:21:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:19:21:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:19:21:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays: l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays failed [l4P_CreateNspCategoryArrays]                                                         @NDnSAgent_L4P.c (73)    @wimaxd
13:19:21:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @UpdatePreferredIndex error in L4P_GetPreferredNspList status=14 [UpdatePreferredIndex]                                                                @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(323)       @wimaxd
13:19:24:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:19:24:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:19:30:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:19:30:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:19:36:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:19:36:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:19:40:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - isUseUnderThreshold == [0]  -- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent.c     (2418)  @wimaxd
13:19:40:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList  before NAPs2NSPs-- > [L4C_UpdateAvailableNSPsList]                                    @NDnSAgent.c     (2420)  @wimaxd
13:19:40:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - L4C_ApplyNextScanParams before AgeAvailableNspsList-- > [L4C_ApplyNextScanParams]                                  @NDnSAgent.c     (2318)  @wimaxd
13:20:00:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after L4db_DeleteDuplicatedChannelsInAllDetectedChannels after save to db -- > [AgeAvailableNspsList]@NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(581)        @wimaxd
13:20:00:  3069180784 @Error    @NDNS_Agent     @<---L4db_PrintDiscoveredNAPsList - AgeAvailableNspsList after TTL Decrease [AgeAvailableNspsList]                                                     @NDnSAgent_NSPsList.c(586)       @wimaxd

----- dmesg -----

Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset
Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
Linux version (mockbuild at x86-19.phx2.fedoraproject.org) (gcc version 4.5.1 20100907 (Red Hat 4.5.1-3) (GCC) ) #1 SMP Wed Sep 15 01:57:00 UTC 2010
BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
 BIOS-e820: 0000000000000000 - 000000000009bc00 (usable)
 BIOS-e820: 000000000009bc00 - 00000000000a0000 (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 0000000000100000 - 00000000df44d400 (usable)
 BIOS-e820: 00000000df44f400 - 00000000e0000000 (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 00000000f8000000 - 00000000fc000000 (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 00000000fec00000 - 00000000fec10000 (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 00000000fed18000 - 00000000fed1c000 (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 00000000fed20000 - 00000000fed90000 (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 00000000feda0000 - 00000000feda6000 (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 00000000fee00000 - 00000000fee10000 (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 00000000ffe60000 - 0000000100000000 (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 0000000100002000 - 000000011c000000 (usable)
NX (Execute Disable) protection: active
DMI 2.4 present.
e820 update range: 0000000000000000 - 0000000000001000 (usable) ==> (reserved)
e820 remove range: 00000000000a0000 - 0000000000100000 (usable)
last_pfn = 0x11c000 max_arch_pfn = 0x1000000
MTRR default type: uncachable
MTRR fixed ranges enabled:
  00000-9FFFF write-back
  A0000-BFFFF uncachable
  C0000-D3FFF write-protect
  D4000-EFFFF uncachable
  F0000-FFFFF write-protect
MTRR variable ranges enabled:
  0 base 000000000 mask 800000000 write-back
  1 base 0E0000000 mask FE0000000 uncachable
  2 base 11C000000 mask FFC000000 uncachable
  3 disabled
  4 disabled
  5 disabled
  6 disabled
x86 PAT enabled: cpu 0, old 0x7040600070406, new 0x7010600070106
original variable MTRRs
reg 0, base: 0GB, range: 32GB, type WB
reg 1, base: 3584MB, range: 512MB, type UC
reg 2, base: 4544MB, range: 64MB, type UC
total RAM covered: 32192M
 gran_size: 64K         chunk_size: 64K         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 64K         chunk_size: 128K        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 64K         chunk_size: 256K        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 64K         chunk_size: 512K        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 64K         chunk_size: 1M  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 64K         chunk_size: 2M  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 64K         chunk_size: 4M  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 64K         chunk_size: 8M  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 64K         chunk_size: 16M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 64K         chunk_size: 32M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 64K         chunk_size: 64M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 64K         chunk_size: 128M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 64K         chunk_size: 256M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 64K         chunk_size: 512M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 64K         chunk_size: 1G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 16G
 gran_size: 64K         chunk_size: 2G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 0G
 gran_size: 128K        chunk_size: 128K        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 128K        chunk_size: 256K        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 128K        chunk_size: 512K        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 128K        chunk_size: 1M  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 128K        chunk_size: 2M  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 128K        chunk_size: 4M  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 128K        chunk_size: 8M  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 128K        chunk_size: 16M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 128K        chunk_size: 32M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 128K        chunk_size: 64M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 128K        chunk_size: 128M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 128K        chunk_size: 256M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 128K        chunk_size: 512M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 128K        chunk_size: 1G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 16G
 gran_size: 128K        chunk_size: 2G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 0G
 gran_size: 256K        chunk_size: 256K        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 256K        chunk_size: 512K        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 256K        chunk_size: 1M  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 256K        chunk_size: 2M  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 256K        chunk_size: 4M  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 256K        chunk_size: 8M  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 256K        chunk_size: 16M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 256K        chunk_size: 32M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 256K        chunk_size: 64M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 256K        chunk_size: 128M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 256K        chunk_size: 256M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 256K        chunk_size: 512M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 256K        chunk_size: 1G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 16G
 gran_size: 256K        chunk_size: 2G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 0G
 gran_size: 512K        chunk_size: 512K        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 512K        chunk_size: 1M  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 512K        chunk_size: 2M  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 512K        chunk_size: 4M  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 512K        chunk_size: 8M  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 512K        chunk_size: 16M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 512K        chunk_size: 32M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 512K        chunk_size: 64M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 512K        chunk_size: 128M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 512K        chunk_size: 256M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 512K        chunk_size: 512M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 512K        chunk_size: 1G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 16G
 gran_size: 512K        chunk_size: 2G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 0G
 gran_size: 1M  chunk_size: 1M  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 1M  chunk_size: 2M  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 1M  chunk_size: 4M  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 1M  chunk_size: 8M  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 1M  chunk_size: 16M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 1M  chunk_size: 32M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 1M  chunk_size: 64M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 1M  chunk_size: 128M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 1M  chunk_size: 256M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 1M  chunk_size: 512M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 1M  chunk_size: 1G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 16G
 gran_size: 1M  chunk_size: 2G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 0G
 gran_size: 2M  chunk_size: 2M  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 2M  chunk_size: 4M  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 2M  chunk_size: 8M  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 2M  chunk_size: 16M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 2M  chunk_size: 32M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 2M  chunk_size: 64M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 2M  chunk_size: 128M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 2M  chunk_size: 256M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 2M  chunk_size: 512M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 2M  chunk_size: 1G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 16G
 gran_size: 2M  chunk_size: 2G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 0G
 gran_size: 4M  chunk_size: 4M  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 4M  chunk_size: 8M  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 4M  chunk_size: 16M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 4M  chunk_size: 32M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 4M  chunk_size: 64M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 4M  chunk_size: 128M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 4M  chunk_size: 256M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 4M  chunk_size: 512M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 4M  chunk_size: 1G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 16G
 gran_size: 4M  chunk_size: 2G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 0G
 gran_size: 8M  chunk_size: 8M  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 8M  chunk_size: 16M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 8M  chunk_size: 32M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 8M  chunk_size: 64M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 8M  chunk_size: 128M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 8M  chunk_size: 256M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 8M  chunk_size: 512M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 8M  chunk_size: 1G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 16G
 gran_size: 8M  chunk_size: 2G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 0G
 gran_size: 16M         chunk_size: 16M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 16M         chunk_size: 32M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 16M         chunk_size: 64M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 16M         chunk_size: 128M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 16M         chunk_size: 256M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 16M         chunk_size: 512M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 16M         chunk_size: 1G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 16G
 gran_size: 16M         chunk_size: 2G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 0G
 gran_size: 32M         chunk_size: 32M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 32M         chunk_size: 64M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 32M         chunk_size: 128M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 32M         chunk_size: 256M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 32M         chunk_size: 512M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 32M         chunk_size: 1G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 16G
 gran_size: 32M         chunk_size: 2G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 0G
 gran_size: 64M         chunk_size: 64M         num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 27G
 gran_size: 64M         chunk_size: 128M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 64M         chunk_size: 256M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 64M         chunk_size: 512M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26G
 gran_size: 64M         chunk_size: 1G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 16G
 gran_size: 64M         chunk_size: 2G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 0G
 gran_size: 128M        chunk_size: 128M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26688M
 gran_size: 128M        chunk_size: 256M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26688M
 gran_size: 128M        chunk_size: 512M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 26688M
 gran_size: 128M        chunk_size: 1G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 16448M
 gran_size: 128M        chunk_size: 2G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 64M
 gran_size: 256M        chunk_size: 256M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 24768M
 gran_size: 256M        chunk_size: 512M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 24768M
 gran_size: 256M        chunk_size: 1G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 16576M
 gran_size: 256M        chunk_size: 2G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 192M
 gran_size: 512M        chunk_size: 512M        num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 16832M
 gran_size: 512M        chunk_size: 1G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 448M
 gran_size: 512M        chunk_size: 2G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 448M
 gran_size: 1G  chunk_size: 1G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 9152M
 gran_size: 1G  chunk_size: 2G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 960M
 gran_size: 2G  chunk_size: 2G  num_reg: 7      lose cover RAM: 6080M
mtrr_cleanup: can not find optimal value
please specify mtrr_gran_size/mtrr_chunk_size
e820 update range: 00000000e0000000 - 0000000100000000 (usable) ==> (reserved)
e820 update range: 000000011c000000 - 0000000120000000 (usable) ==> (reserved)
initial memory mapped : 0 - 01800000
init_memory_mapping: 0000000000000000-00000000375fe000
 0000000000 - 0000200000 page 4k
 0000200000 - 0037400000 page 2M
 0037400000 - 00375fe000 page 4k
kernel direct mapping tables up to 375fe000 @ 7000-f000
RAMDISK: 37379000 - 37ff0000
Allocated new RAMDISK: 01347000 - 01fbd4b8
Move RAMDISK from 0000000037379000 - 0000000037fef4b7 to 01347000 - 01fbd4b7
ACPI: RSDP 000fb9c0 00024 (v02 DELL  )
ACPI: XSDT df451e00 0006C (v01 DELL    M09     27DA0506 ASL  00000061)
ACPI: FACP df451c9c 000F4 (v04 DELL    M09     27DA0506 ASL  00000061)
ACPI: DSDT df452400 06D0B (v02 INT430 SYSFexxx 00001001 INTL 20050624)
ACPI: FACS df460c00 00040
ACPI: HPET df451f00 00038 (v01 DELL    M09     00000001 ASL  00000061)
ACPI: DMAR df460400 000D8 (v01 DELL    M09     27DA0506 ASL  00000061)
ACPI: APIC df452000 00068 (v01 DELL    M09     27DA0506 ASL  00000047)
ACPI: ASF! df451c00 0006A (v32 DELL    M09     27DA0506 ASL  00000061)
ACPI: MCFG df451fc0 0003E (v16 DELL    M09     27DA0506 ASL  00000061)
ACPI: TCPA df452300 00032 (v01                 00000000 ASL  00000000)
ACPI: SLIC df45209c 00176 (v01 DELL    M09     27DA0506 ASL  00000061)
ACPI: SSDT df4502eb 0066C (v01  PmRef    CpuPm 00003000 INTL 20050624)
ACPI: Local APIC address 0xfee00000
3658MB HIGHMEM available.
885MB LOWMEM available.
  mapped low ram: 0 - 375fe000
  low ram: 0 - 375fe000
  node 0 low ram: 00000000 - 375fe000
  node 0 bootmap 0000b000 - 00011ec0
(9/32 early reservations) ==> bootmem [0000000000 - 00375fe000]
  #0 [0000001000 - 0000002000]    EX TRAMPOLINE ==> [0000001000 - 0000002000]
  #1 [0000400000 - 0001339ccc]    TEXT DATA BSS ==> [0000400000 - 0001339ccc]
  #2 [000009bc00 - 0000100000]    BIOS reserved ==> [000009bc00 - 0000100000]
  #3 [000133a000 - 0001346198]              BRK ==> [000133a000 - 0001346198]
  #4 [0000002000 - 0000003000]       TRAMPOLINE ==> [0000002000 - 0000003000]
  #5 [0000003000 - 0000007000]      ACPI WAKEUP ==> [0000003000 - 0000007000]
  #6 [0000007000 - 000000b000]          PGTABLE ==> [0000007000 - 000000b000]
  #7 [0001347000 - 0001fbe000]      NEW RAMDISK ==> [0001347000 - 0001fbe000]
  #8 [000000b000 - 0000012000]          BOOTMAP ==> [000000b000 - 0000012000]
Zone PFN ranges:
  DMA      0x00000001 -> 0x00001000
  Normal   0x00001000 -> 0x000375fe
  HighMem  0x000375fe -> 0x0011c000
Movable zone start PFN for each node
early_node_map[3] active PFN ranges
    0: 0x00000001 -> 0x0000009b
    0: 0x00000100 -> 0x000df44d
    0: 0x00100002 -> 0x0011c000
On node 0 totalpages: 1029093
free_area_init_node: node 0, pgdat c0a62980, node_mem_map c1fbf020
  DMA zone: 32 pages used for memmap
  DMA zone: 0 pages reserved
  DMA zone: 3962 pages, LIFO batch:0
  Normal zone: 1740 pages used for memmap
  Normal zone: 220978 pages, LIFO batch:31
  HighMem zone: 7317 pages used for memmap
  HighMem zone: 795064 pages, LIFO batch:31
Using APIC driver default
ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: 0x1008
ACPI: Local APIC address 0xfee00000
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x00] lapic_id[0x00] enabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x01] lapic_id[0x01] enabled)
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x00] high edge lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x01] high edge lint[0x1])
ACPI: IOAPIC (id[0x02] address[0xfec00000] gsi_base[0])
IOAPIC[0]: apic_id 2, version 32, address 0xfec00000, GSI 0-23
ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 0 global_irq 2 dfl dfl)
ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 9 global_irq 9 high level)
ACPI: IRQ0 used by override.
ACPI: IRQ2 used by override.
ACPI: IRQ9 used by override.
Using ACPI (MADT) for SMP configuration information
ACPI: HPET id: 0x8086a201 base: 0xfed00000
SMP: Allowing 2 CPUs, 0 hotplug CPUs
nr_irqs_gsi: 40
PM: Registered nosave memory: 000000000009b000 - 000000000009c000
PM: Registered nosave memory: 000000000009c000 - 00000000000a0000
PM: Registered nosave memory: 00000000000a0000 - 0000000000100000
Allocating PCI resources starting at e0000000 (gap: e0000000:18000000)
Booting paravirtualized kernel on bare hardware
setup_percpu: NR_CPUS:32 nr_cpumask_bits:32 nr_cpu_ids:2 nr_node_ids:1
PERCPU: Embedded 335 pages/cpu @c4400000 s1349888 r0 d22272 u2097152
pcpu-alloc: s1349888 r0 d22272 u2097152 alloc=1*2097152
pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 [0] 1
Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 1020004
Kernel command line: ro root=/dev/mapper/vg_warden-lv_fedora14_i386 rd_LVM_LV=vg_warden/lv_fedora14_i386 rd_LVM_LV=vg_warden/lv_swap rd_NO_LUKS rd_NO_MD rd_NO_DM LANG=en_US.UTF-8 SYSFONT=latarcyrheb-sun16 KEYBOARDTYPE=pc KEYTABLE=us rhgb quiet
PID hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
Dentry cache hash table entries: 131072 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
Inode-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
Enabling fast FPU save and restore... done.
Enabling unmasked SIMD FPU exception support... done.
Initializing CPU#0
xsave/xrstor: enabled xstate_bv 0x3, cntxt size 0x240
allocated 23265260 bytes of page_cgroup
please try 'cgroup_disable=memory' option if you don't want memory cgroups
Initializing HighMem for node 0 (000375fe:0011c000)
Memory: 4025144k/4653056k available (4011k kernel code, 91228k reserved, 2651k data, 1856k init, 3209524k highmem)
virtual kernel memory layout:
    fixmap  : 0xffa95000 - 0xfffff000   (5544 kB)
    pkmap   : 0xff600000 - 0xff800000   (2048 kB)
    vmalloc : 0xf7dfe000 - 0xff5fe000   ( 120 MB)
    lowmem  : 0xc0000000 - 0xf75fe000   ( 885 MB)
      .init : 0xc0a82000 - 0xc0c52000   (1856 kB)
      .data : 0xc07eafb6 - 0xc0a81ea8   (2651 kB)
      .text : 0xc0400000 - 0xc07eafb6   (4011 kB)
Checking if this processor honours the WP bit even in supervisor mode...Ok.
SLUB: Genslabs=13, HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=2, Nodes=1
Hierarchical RCU implementation.
        RCU dyntick-idle grace-period acceleration is enabled.
        RCU lockdep checking is enabled.
        RCU-based detection of stalled CPUs is disabled.
        Verbose stalled-CPUs detection is disabled.
Extended CMOS year: 2000
Console: colour VGA+ 80x25
console [tty0] enabled
Lock dependency validator: Copyright (c) 2006 Red Hat, Inc., Ingo Molnar
... MAX_LOCK_DEPTH:          48
... MAX_LOCKDEP_KEYS:        8191
... CLASSHASH_SIZE:          4096
... MAX_LOCKDEP_ENTRIES:     16384
... MAX_LOCKDEP_CHAINS:      32768
... CHAINHASH_SIZE:          16384
 memory used by lock dependency info: 3823 kB
 per task-struct memory footprint: 1920 bytes
ODEBUG: 11 of 11 active objects replaced
hpet clockevent registered
Fast TSC calibration using PIT
Detected 3058.638 MHz processor.
Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 6117.27 BogoMIPS (lpj=3058638)
pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
Security Framework initialized
SELinux:  Initializing.
SELinux:  Starting in permissive mode
Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
Initializing cgroup subsys ns
Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct
Initializing cgroup subsys memory
Initializing cgroup subsys devices
Initializing cgroup subsys freezer
Initializing cgroup subsys net_cls
Initializing cgroup subsys blkio
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 0
mce: CPU supports 6 MCE banks
CPU0: Thermal monitoring enabled (TM2)
using mwait in idle threads.
Performance Events: PEBS fmt0+, Core2 events, Intel PMU driver.
... version:                2
... bit width:              40
... generic registers:      2
... value mask:             000000ffffffffff
... max period:             000000007fffffff
... fixed-purpose events:   3
... event mask:             0000000700000003
ACPI: Core revision 20100428
ftrace: converting mcount calls to 0f 1f 44 00 00
ftrace: allocating 23865 entries in 47 pages
DMAR: Host address width 36
DMAR: DRHD base: 0x000000fed10000 flags: 0x0
IOMMU 0: reg_base_addr fed10000 ver 1:0 cap c9008020e30260 ecap 1000
DMAR: DRHD base: 0x000000fed12000 flags: 0x0
IOMMU 1: reg_base_addr fed12000 ver 1:0 cap c0000020630270 ecap 1000
DMAR: DRHD base: 0x000000fed13000 flags: 0x1
IOMMU 2: reg_base_addr fed13000 ver 1:0 cap c9008020630260 ecap 1000
DMAR: RMRR base: 0x000000dfbe7000 end: 0x000000dfbfffff
DMAR: No ATSR found
Enabling APIC mode:  Flat.  Using 1 I/O APICs
..TIMER: vector=0x30 apic1=0 pin1=2 apic2=-1 pin2=-1
CPU0: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T9900  @ 3.06GHz stepping 0a
lockdep: fixing up alternatives.
Booting Node   0, Processors  #1 Ok.
Initializing CPU#1
Brought up 2 CPUs
Total of 2 processors activated (12235.01 BogoMIPS).
sizeof(vma)=92 bytes
sizeof(page)=32 bytes
sizeof(inode)=652 bytes
sizeof(dentry)=164 bytes
sizeof(ext3inode)=920 bytes
sizeof(buffer_head)=56 bytes
sizeof(skbuff)=192 bytes
sizeof(task_struct)=5440 bytes
devtmpfs: initialized
atomic64 test passed for i586+ platform with CX8 and with SSE
Time: 17:00:41  Date: 09/25/10
NET: Registered protocol family 16

[ INFO: suspicious rcu_dereference_check() usage. ]
include/linux/cgroup.h:542 invoked rcu_dereference_check() without protection!

other info that might help us debug this:

rcu_scheduler_active = 1, debug_locks = 0
1 lock held by swapper/1:
 #0:  (net_mutex){+.+.+.}, at: [<c074c275>] register_pernet_subsys+0x17/0x34

stack backtrace:
Pid: 1, comm: swapper Not tainted #1
Call Trace:
 [<c07e2eb0>] ? printk+0x25/0x2d
 [<c0467955>] lockdep_rcu_dereference+0x7d/0x86
 [<c0744dca>] sock_update_classid+0x6c/0x8e
 [<c0744e4b>] sk_alloc+0x5f/0x6a
 [<c0768189>] __netlink_create+0x2a/0x90
 [<c0769a34>] netlink_kernel_create+0x5f/0x14f
 [<c0758d3c>] rtnetlink_net_init+0x23/0x3b
 [<c075a0f2>] ? rtnetlink_rcv+0x0/0x27
 [<c074c068>] ops_init+0xda/0xe9
 [<c074c1a8>] register_pernet_operations+0x84/0xee
 [<c074c281>] register_pernet_subsys+0x23/0x34
 [<c0ab9eba>] rtnetlink_init+0x42/0xe0
 [<c0aba520>] netlink_proto_init+0xee/0x103
 [<c0aba432>] ? netlink_proto_init+0x0/0x103
 [<c0403182>] do_one_initcall+0x62/0x170
 [<c0a829d3>] kernel_init+0x1b9/0x23a
 [<c0a8281a>] ? kernel_init+0x0/0x23a
 [<c0408fc2>] kernel_thread_helper+0x6/0x10
ACPI: bus type pci registered
PCI: MMCONFIG for domain 0000 [bus 00-3f] at [mem 0xf8000000-0xfbffffff] (base 0xf8000000)
PCI: MMCONFIG at [mem 0xf8000000-0xfbffffff] reserved in E820
PCI: Using MMCONFIG for extended config space
PCI: Using configuration type 1 for base access
bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
ACPI: EC: Look up EC in DSDT
ACPI: BIOS _OSI(Linux) query ignored
ACPI: SSDT df450957 002C3 (v01  PmRef   BspIst 00003000 INTL 20050624)
ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
ACPI: SSDT (null) 002C3 (v01  PmRef   BspIst 00003000 INTL 20050624)
ACPI: SSDT df450df1 005C6 (v01  PmRef   BspCst 00003001 INTL 20050624)
ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
ACPI: SSDT (null) 005C6 (v01  PmRef   BspCst 00003001 INTL 20050624)
ACPI: SSDT df450c1a 001D7 (v01  PmRef    ApIst 00003000 INTL 20050624)
ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
ACPI: SSDT (null) 001D7 (v01  PmRef    ApIst 00003000 INTL 20050624)
ACPI: SSDT df4513b7 0008D (v01  PmRef    ApCst 00003000 INTL 20050624)
ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
ACPI: SSDT (null) 0008D (v01  PmRef    ApCst 00003000 INTL 20050624)
ACPI: Interpreter enabled
ACPI: (supports S0 S3 S4 S5)
ACPI: Using IOAPIC for interrupt routing
ACPI: EC: GPE = 0x11, I/O: command/status = 0x934, data = 0x930
ACPI: No dock devices found.
PCI: Ignoring host bridge windows from ACPI; if necessary, use "pci=use_crs" and report a bug
ACPI: PCI Root Bridge [PCI0] (domain 0000 [bus 00-ff])
pci_root PNP0A03:00: host bridge window [io  0x0000-0x0cf7] (ignored)
pci_root PNP0A03:00: host bridge window [io  0x0d00-0xffff] (ignored)
pci_root PNP0A03:00: host bridge window [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff] (ignored)
pci_root PNP0A03:00: host bridge window [mem 0x000d4000-0x000dffff] (ignored)
pci_root PNP0A03:00: host bridge window [mem 0xe0000000-0xf7ffffff] (ignored)
pci_root PNP0A03:00: host bridge window [mem 0xfc000000-0xfebfffff] (ignored)
pci_root PNP0A03:00: host bridge window [mem 0xfec10000-0xfecfffff] (ignored)
pci_root PNP0A03:00: host bridge window [mem 0xfed1c000-0xfed1ffff] (ignored)
pci_root PNP0A03:00: host bridge window [mem 0xfed90000-0xfed9ffff] (ignored)
pci_root PNP0A03:00: host bridge window [mem 0xfed40000-0xfed44fff] (ignored)
pci_root PNP0A03:00: host bridge window [mem 0xfeda7000-0xfedfffff] (ignored)
pci_root PNP0A03:00: host bridge window [mem 0xfee10000-0xff9fffff] (ignored)
pci_root PNP0A03:00: host bridge window [mem 0xffc00000-0xffdfffff] (ignored)
DMAR: Forcing write-buffer flush capability
DMAR: Disabling IOMMU for graphics on this chipset
pci 0000:00:01.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
pci 0000:00:01.0: PME# disabled
pci 0000:00:03.0: reg 10: [mem 0xf6fd9ef0-0xf6fd9eff 64bit]
pci 0000:00:03.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
pci 0000:00:03.0: PME# disabled
pci 0000:00:03.2: reg 10: [io  0xef78-0xef7f]
pci 0000:00:03.2: reg 14: [io  0xef70-0xef73]
pci 0000:00:03.2: reg 18: [io  0xef80-0xef87]
pci 0000:00:03.2: reg 1c: [io  0xef74-0xef77]
pci 0000:00:03.2: reg 20: [io  0xef90-0xef9f]
pci 0000:00:03.3: reg 10: [io  0xef88-0xef8f]
pci 0000:00:03.3: reg 14: [mem 0xf6fda000-0xf6fdafff]
pci 0000:00:19.0: reg 10: [mem 0xf6fe0000-0xf6ffffff]
pci 0000:00:19.0: reg 14: [mem 0xf6fdb000-0xf6fdbfff]
pci 0000:00:19.0: reg 18: [io  0xefe0-0xefff]
pci 0000:00:19.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
pci 0000:00:19.0: PME# disabled
pci 0000:00:1a.0: reg 20: [io  0x6f60-0x6f7f]
pci 0000:00:1a.1: reg 20: [io  0x6f80-0x6f9f]
pci 0000:00:1a.2: reg 20: [io  0x6fa0-0x6fbf]
pci 0000:00:1a.7: reg 10: [mem 0xfed1c400-0xfed1c7ff]
pci 0000:00:1a.7: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
pci 0000:00:1a.7: PME# disabled
pci 0000:00:1b.0: reg 10: [mem 0xf6fdc000-0xf6fdffff 64bit]
pci 0000:00:1b.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
pci 0000:00:1b.0: PME# disabled
pci 0000:00:1c.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
pci 0000:00:1c.0: PME# disabled
pci 0000:00:1c.1: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
pci 0000:00:1c.1: PME# disabled
pci 0000:00:1c.2: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
pci 0000:00:1c.2: PME# disabled
pci 0000:00:1c.3: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
pci 0000:00:1c.3: PME# disabled
pci 0000:00:1d.0: reg 20: [io  0x6f00-0x6f1f]
pci 0000:00:1d.1: reg 20: [io  0x6f20-0x6f3f]
pci 0000:00:1d.2: reg 20: [io  0x6f40-0x6f5f]
pci 0000:00:1d.7: reg 10: [mem 0xfed1c000-0xfed1c3ff]
pci 0000:00:1d.7: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
pci 0000:00:1d.7: PME# disabled
pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 10: [io  0x6e70-0x6e77]
pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 14: [io  0x6e78-0x6e7b]
pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 18: [io  0x6e80-0x6e87]
pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 1c: [io  0x6e88-0x6e8b]
pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 20: [io  0x6ea0-0x6ebf]
pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 24: [mem 0xfed1c800-0xfed1cfff]
pci 0000:00:1f.2: PME# supported from D3hot
pci 0000:00:1f.2: PME# disabled
pci 0000:00:1f.3: reg 10: [mem 0xf6fd9f00-0xf6fd9fff 64bit]
pci 0000:00:1f.3: reg 20: [io  0x1100-0x111f]
pci 0000:01:00.0: reg 10: [mem 0xf5000000-0xf5ffffff]
pci 0000:01:00.0: reg 14: [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff 64bit pref]
pci 0000:01:00.0: reg 1c: [mem 0xf2000000-0xf3ffffff 64bit]
pci 0000:01:00.0: reg 24: [io  0xdf00-0xdf7f]
pci 0000:01:00.0: reg 30: [mem 0x00000000-0x0001ffff pref]
pci 0000:00:01.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01-01]
pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [io  0xd000-0xdfff]
pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [mem 0xf2000000-0xf6efffff]
pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff 64bit pref]
pci 0000:00:1c.0: PCI bridge to [bus 0b-0b]
pci 0000:00:1c.0:   bridge window [io  0xf000-0x0000] (disabled)
pci 0000:00:1c.0:   bridge window [mem 0xfff00000-0x000fffff] (disabled)
pci 0000:00:1c.0:   bridge window [mem 0xfff00000-0x000fffff pref] (disabled)
pci 0000:0c:00.0: reg 10: [mem 0xf1ffe000-0xf1ffffff 64bit]
pci 0000:0c:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
pci 0000:0c:00.0: PME# disabled
pci 0000:00:1c.1: PCI bridge to [bus 0c-0c]
pci 0000:00:1c.1:   bridge window [io  0xf000-0x0000] (disabled)
pci 0000:00:1c.1:   bridge window [mem 0xf1f00000-0xf1ffffff]
pci 0000:00:1c.1:   bridge window [mem 0xfff00000-0x000fffff pref] (disabled)
pci 0000:00:1c.2: PCI bridge to [bus 0d-0d]
pci 0000:00:1c.2:   bridge window [io  0xf000-0x0000] (disabled)
pci 0000:00:1c.2:   bridge window [mem 0xfff00000-0x000fffff] (disabled)
pci 0000:00:1c.2:   bridge window [mem 0xfff00000-0x000fffff pref] (disabled)
pci 0000:00:1c.3: PCI bridge to [bus 0e-0f]
pci 0000:00:1c.3:   bridge window [io  0xc000-0xcfff]
pci 0000:00:1c.3:   bridge window [mem 0xf1c00000-0xf1efffff]
pci 0000:00:1c.3:   bridge window [mem 0xf0000000-0xf01fffff 64bit pref]
pci 0000:03:01.0: reg 10: [mem 0x00000000-0x00000fff]
pci 0000:03:01.0: supports D1 D2
pci 0000:03:01.0: PME# supported from D0 D1 D2 D3hot D3cold
pci 0000:03:01.0: PME# disabled
pci 0000:03:01.1: reg 10: [mem 0xf1bff800-0xf1bfffff]
pci 0000:03:01.1: supports D1 D2
pci 0000:03:01.1: PME# supported from D0 D1 D2 D3hot D3cold
pci 0000:03:01.1: PME# disabled
pci 0000:03:01.2: reg 10: [mem 0xf1bff700-0xf1bff7ff]
pci 0000:03:01.2: supports D1 D2
pci 0000:03:01.2: PME# supported from D0 D1 D2 D3hot D3cold
pci 0000:03:01.2: PME# disabled
pci 0000:00:1e.0: PCI bridge to [bus 03-04] (subtractive decode)
pci 0000:00:1e.0:   bridge window [io  0xf000-0x0000] (disabled)
pci 0000:00:1e.0:   bridge window [mem 0xf1b00000-0xf1bfffff]
pci 0000:00:1e.0:   bridge window [mem 0xfff00000-0x000fffff pref] (disabled)
pci 0000:00:1e.0:   bridge window [io  0x0000-0xffff] (subtractive decode)
pci 0000:00:1e.0:   bridge window [mem 0x00000000-0xffffffffffffffff] (subtractive decode)
pci_bus 0000:04: [bus 04-07] partially hidden behind transparent bridge 0000:03 [bus 03-04]
pci_bus 0000:00: on NUMA node 0
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0._PRT]
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.PCIE._PRT]
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.AGP_._PRT]
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.RP01._PRT]
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.RP02._PRT]
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.RP03._PRT]
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.RP04._PRT]
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] (IRQs 10 *11)
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKB] (IRQs *5 7)
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] (IRQs 10 *11)
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] (IRQs 5 7 *10 11)
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKE] (IRQs *3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 14 15)
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKF] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 7 10 *11 12 14 15)
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKG] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 7 *10 11 12 14 15)
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKH] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 14 15) *0, disabled.
HEST: Table is not found!
vgaarb: device added: PCI:0000:01:00.0,decodes=io+mem,owns=io+mem,locks=none
vgaarb: loaded
SCSI subsystem initialized
libata version 3.00 loaded.
usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
usbcore: registered new device driver usb
PCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing
PCI: pci_cache_line_size set to 64 bytes
reserve RAM buffer: 000000000009bc00 - 000000000009ffff
reserve RAM buffer: 00000000df44d400 - 00000000dfffffff
NetLabel: Initializing
NetLabel:  domain hash size = 128
NetLabel:  protocols = UNLABELED CIPSOv4
NetLabel:  unlabeled traffic allowed by default
HPET: 4 timers in total, 0 timers will be used for per-cpu timer
hpet0: at MMIO 0xfed00000, IRQs 2, 8, 0, 0
hpet0: 4 comparators, 64-bit 14.318180 MHz counter
Switching to clocksource tsc
pnp: PnP ACPI init
ACPI: bus type pnp registered
pnp: PnP ACPI: found 13 devices
ACPI: ACPI bus type pnp unregistered
system 00:05: [io  0x0c80-0x0caf] has been reserved
system 00:05: [io  0x0cc0-0x0cff] could not be reserved
system 00:08: [mem 0xfed00000-0xfed003ff] has been reserved
system 00:09: [io  0x0cb0-0x0cbb] has been reserved
system 00:09: [mem 0xfed40000-0xfed44fff] has been reserved
system 00:0a: [io  0x0900-0x092f] has been reserved
system 00:0a: [io  0x0931-0x0933] has been reserved
system 00:0a: [io  0x0935-0x097f] has been reserved
system 00:0a: [io  0x04d0-0x04d1] has been reserved
system 00:0a: [io  0x1000-0x1005] has been reserved
system 00:0a: [io  0x1008-0x100f] has been reserved
system 00:0b: [io  0xf400-0xf4fe] has been reserved
system 00:0b: [io  0x1006-0x1007] has been reserved
system 00:0b: [io  0x100a-0x1059] could not be reserved
system 00:0b: [io  0x1060-0x107f] has been reserved
system 00:0b: [io  0x1080-0x10bf] has been reserved
system 00:0b: [io  0x1100-0x111f] has been reserved
system 00:0b: [io  0x1010-0x102f] has been reserved
system 00:0b: [io  0x0809] has been reserved
system 00:0c: [mem 0x00000000-0x0009efff] could not be reserved
system 00:0c: [mem 0x0009f000-0x0009ffff] could not be reserved
system 00:0c: [mem 0x000c0000-0x000d3fff] could not be reserved
system 00:0c: [mem 0x000e0000-0x000fffff] could not be reserved
system 00:0c: [mem 0x00100000-0xdf44d3ff] could not be reserved
system 00:0c: [mem 0xdf44d400-0xdfefffff] could not be reserved
system 00:0c: [mem 0xdff00000-0xdfffffff] has been reserved
system 00:0c: [mem 0xffe00000-0xffffffff] could not be reserved
system 00:0c: [mem 0xffa00000-0xffbfffff] has been reserved
system 00:0c: [mem 0xfec00000-0xfec0ffff] could not be reserved
system 00:0c: [mem 0xfee00000-0xfee0ffff] has been reserved
system 00:0c: [mem 0xfed20000-0xfed3ffff] has been reserved
system 00:0c: [mem 0xfed45000-0xfed8ffff] has been reserved
system 00:0c: [mem 0xfeda0000-0xfeda3fff] has been reserved
system 00:0c: [mem 0xfeda4000-0xfeda4fff] has been reserved
system 00:0c: [mem 0xfeda5000-0xfeda5fff] has been reserved
system 00:0c: [mem 0xfeda6000-0xfeda6fff] has been reserved
system 00:0c: [mem 0xfed1c800-0xfed1cfff] has been reserved
system 00:0c: [mem 0xfed18000-0xfed1bfff] has been reserved
system 00:0c: [mem 0xf8000000-0xfbffffff] has been reserved
pci 0000:00:1e.0: BAR 15: can't assign mem pref (size 0x4000000)
pci 0000:00:1c.0: BAR 14: assigned [mem 0xf0200000-0xf03fffff]
pci 0000:00:1c.0: BAR 15: assigned [mem 0xf0400000-0xf05fffff 64bit pref]
pci 0000:00:1c.1: BAR 15: assigned [mem 0xf0600000-0xf07fffff 64bit pref]
pci 0000:00:1c.2: BAR 14: assigned [mem 0xf0800000-0xf09fffff]
pci 0000:00:1c.2: BAR 15: assigned [mem 0xf0a00000-0xf0bfffff 64bit pref]
pci 0000:00:1c.0: BAR 13: assigned [io  0x2000-0x2fff]
pci 0000:00:1c.1: BAR 13: assigned [io  0x3000-0x3fff]
pci 0000:00:1c.2: BAR 13: assigned [io  0x4000-0x4fff]
pci 0000:00:1e.0: BAR 13: assigned [io  0x5000-0x5fff]
pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 6: assigned [mem 0xf4000000-0xf401ffff pref]
pci 0000:00:01.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01-01]
pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [io  0xd000-0xdfff]
pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [mem 0xf2000000-0xf6efffff]
pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff 64bit pref]
pci 0000:00:1c.0: PCI bridge to [bus 0b-0b]
pci 0000:00:1c.0:   bridge window [io  0x2000-0x2fff]
pci 0000:00:1c.0:   bridge window [mem 0xf0200000-0xf03fffff]
pci 0000:00:1c.0:   bridge window [mem 0xf0400000-0xf05fffff 64bit pref]
pci 0000:00:1c.1: PCI bridge to [bus 0c-0c]
pci 0000:00:1c.1:   bridge window [io  0x3000-0x3fff]
pci 0000:00:1c.1:   bridge window [mem 0xf1f00000-0xf1ffffff]
pci 0000:00:1c.1:   bridge window [mem 0xf0600000-0xf07fffff 64bit pref]
pci 0000:00:1c.2: PCI bridge to [bus 0d-0d]
pci 0000:00:1c.2:   bridge window [io  0x4000-0x4fff]
pci 0000:00:1c.2:   bridge window [mem 0xf0800000-0xf09fffff]
pci 0000:00:1c.2:   bridge window [mem 0xf0a00000-0xf0bfffff 64bit pref]
pci 0000:00:1c.3: PCI bridge to [bus 0e-0f]
pci 0000:00:1c.3:   bridge window [io  0xc000-0xcfff]
pci 0000:00:1c.3:   bridge window [mem 0xf1c00000-0xf1efffff]
pci 0000:00:1c.3:   bridge window [mem 0xf0000000-0xf01fffff 64bit pref]
pci 0000:03:01.0: BAR 15: can't assign mem pref (size 0x4000000)
pci 0000:03:01.0: BAR 16: can't assign mem (size 0x4000000)
pci 0000:03:01.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0xf1b00000-0xf1b00fff]
pci 0000:03:01.0: BAR 0: set to [mem 0xf1b00000-0xf1b00fff] (PCI address [0xf1b00000-0xf1b00fff]
pci 0000:03:01.0: BAR 13: assigned [io  0x5000-0x50ff]
pci 0000:03:01.0: BAR 14: assigned [io  0x5400-0x54ff]
pci 0000:03:01.0: CardBus bridge to [bus 04-07]
pci 0000:03:01.0:   bridge window [io  0x5000-0x50ff]
pci 0000:03:01.0:   bridge window [io  0x5400-0x54ff]
pci 0000:00:1e.0: PCI bridge to [bus 03-04]
pci 0000:00:1e.0:   bridge window [io  0x5000-0x5fff]
pci 0000:00:1e.0:   bridge window [mem 0xf1b00000-0xf1bfffff]
pci 0000:00:1e.0:   bridge window [mem pref disabled]
pci 0000:00:01.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 16
pci 0000:00:01.0: setting latency timer to 64
pci 0000:00:1c.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 16
pci 0000:00:1c.0: setting latency timer to 64
pci 0000:00:1c.1: PCI INT B -> GSI 17 (level, low) -> IRQ 17
pci 0000:00:1c.1: setting latency timer to 64
pci 0000:00:1c.2: PCI INT C -> GSI 18 (level, low) -> IRQ 18
pci 0000:00:1c.2: setting latency timer to 64
pci 0000:00:1c.3: PCI INT D -> GSI 19 (level, low) -> IRQ 19
pci 0000:00:1c.3: setting latency timer to 64
pci 0000:00:1e.0: setting latency timer to 64
pci 0000:03:01.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 19 (level, low) -> IRQ 19
pci_bus 0000:00: resource 0 [io  0x0000-0xffff]
pci_bus 0000:00: resource 1 [mem 0x00000000-0xffffffffffffffff]
pci_bus 0000:01: resource 0 [io  0xd000-0xdfff]
pci_bus 0000:01: resource 1 [mem 0xf2000000-0xf6efffff]
pci_bus 0000:01: resource 2 [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff 64bit pref]
pci_bus 0000:0b: resource 0 [io  0x2000-0x2fff]
pci_bus 0000:0b: resource 1 [mem 0xf0200000-0xf03fffff]
pci_bus 0000:0b: resource 2 [mem 0xf0400000-0xf05fffff 64bit pref]
pci_bus 0000:0c: resource 0 [io  0x3000-0x3fff]
pci_bus 0000:0c: resource 1 [mem 0xf1f00000-0xf1ffffff]
pci_bus 0000:0c: resource 2 [mem 0xf0600000-0xf07fffff 64bit pref]
pci_bus 0000:0d: resource 0 [io  0x4000-0x4fff]
pci_bus 0000:0d: resource 1 [mem 0xf0800000-0xf09fffff]
pci_bus 0000:0d: resource 2 [mem 0xf0a00000-0xf0bfffff 64bit pref]
pci_bus 0000:0e: resource 0 [io  0xc000-0xcfff]
pci_bus 0000:0e: resource 1 [mem 0xf1c00000-0xf1efffff]
pci_bus 0000:0e: resource 2 [mem 0xf0000000-0xf01fffff 64bit pref]
pci_bus 0000:03: resource 0 [io  0x5000-0x5fff]
pci_bus 0000:03: resource 1 [mem 0xf1b00000-0xf1bfffff]
pci_bus 0000:03: resource 4 [io  0x0000-0xffff]
pci_bus 0000:03: resource 5 [mem 0x00000000-0xffffffffffffffff]
pci_bus 0000:04: resource 0 [io  0x5000-0x50ff]
pci_bus 0000:04: resource 1 [io  0x5400-0x54ff]
NET: Registered protocol family 2
IP route cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
TCP established hash table entries: 131072 (order: 8, 1048576 bytes)
TCP bind hash table entries: 65536 (order: 9, 2621440 bytes)
TCP: Hash tables configured (established 131072 bind 65536)
TCP reno registered
UDP hash table entries: 512 (order: 3, 49152 bytes)
UDP-Lite hash table entries: 512 (order: 3, 49152 bytes)
NET: Registered protocol family 1
pci 0000:01:00.0: Boot video device
PCI: CLS 64 bytes, default 64
Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs...
Freeing initrd memory: 12764k freed
DMA-API: preallocated 32768 debug entries
DMA-API: debugging enabled by kernel config
IOMMU 1 0xfed12000: using Register based invalidation
IOMMU 0 0xfed10000: using Register based invalidation
IOMMU 2 0xfed13000: using Register based invalidation
IOMMU: Setting RMRR:
IOMMU: Setting identity map for device 0000:00:1d.0 [0xdfbe7000 - 0xdfc00000]
IOMMU: Setting identity map for device 0000:00:1d.1 [0xdfbe7000 - 0xdfc00000]
IOMMU: Setting identity map for device 0000:00:1d.2 [0xdfbe7000 - 0xdfc00000]
IOMMU: Setting identity map for device 0000:00:1d.7 [0xdfbe7000 - 0xdfc00000]
IOMMU: Setting identity map for device 0000:00:1a.0 [0xdfbe7000 - 0xdfc00000]
IOMMU: Setting identity map for device 0000:00:1a.1 [0xdfbe7000 - 0xdfc00000]
IOMMU: Setting identity map for device 0000:00:1a.2 [0xdfbe7000 - 0xdfc00000]
IOMMU: Setting identity map for device 0000:00:1a.7 [0xdfbe7000 - 0xdfc00000]
IOMMU: Prepare 0-16MiB unity mapping for LPC
IOMMU: Setting identity map for device 0000:00:1f.0 [0x0 - 0x1000000]
PCI-DMA: Intel(R) Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O
apm: BIOS not found.
audit: initializing netlink socket (disabled)
type=2000 audit(1285434042.311:1): initialized
highmem bounce pool size: 64 pages
HugeTLB registered 2 MB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages
VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.5.2
Dquot-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order 0, 4096 bytes)
msgmni has been set to 1617
SELinux:  Registering netfilter hooks
cryptomgr_test used greatest stack depth: 7096 bytes left
cryptomgr_test used greatest stack depth: 6812 bytes left
alg: No test for stdrng (krng)
Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 253)
io scheduler noop registered
io scheduler deadline registered
io scheduler cfq registered (default)
pcieport 0000:00:01.0: setting latency timer to 64
pcieport 0000:00:01.0: irq 43 for MSI/MSI-X
pcieport 0000:00:1c.0: setting latency timer to 64
pcieport 0000:00:1c.0: irq 44 for MSI/MSI-X
pcieport 0000:00:1c.1: setting latency timer to 64
pcieport 0000:00:1c.1: irq 45 for MSI/MSI-X
pcieport 0000:00:1c.2: setting latency timer to 64
pcieport 0000:00:1c.2: irq 46 for MSI/MSI-X
pcieport 0000:00:1c.3: setting latency timer to 64
pcieport 0000:00:1c.3: irq 47 for MSI/MSI-X
pci_hotplug: PCI Hot Plug PCI Core version: 0.5
pciehp: PCI Express Hot Plug Controller Driver version: 0.4
acpiphp: ACPI Hot Plug PCI Controller Driver version: 0.5
acpiphp: Slot [1] registered
pci-stub: invalid id string ""
ACPI: AC Adapter [AC] (on-line)
input: Lid Switch as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0C0D:00/input/input0
ACPI: Lid Switch [LID]
input: Power Button as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0C0C:00/input/input1
ACPI: Power Button [PBTN]
input: Sleep Button as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0C0E:00/input/input2
ACPI: Sleep Button [SBTN]
ACPI: acpi_idle registered with cpuidle
Monitor-Mwait will be used to enter C-1 state
Monitor-Mwait will be used to enter C-2 state
Monitor-Mwait will be used to enter C-3 state
Marking TSC unstable due to TSC halts in idle
Switching to clocksource hpet
thermal LNXTHERM:01: registered as thermal_zone0
ACPI: Thermal Zone [THM] (48 C)
ERST: Table is not found!
isapnp: Scanning for PnP cards...
ACPI: Battery Slot [BAT0] (battery present)
ACPI: Battery Slot [BAT1] (battery absent)
isapnp: No Plug & Play device found
Non-volatile memory driver v1.3
Linux agpgart interface v0.103
Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 4 ports, IRQ sharing enabled
serial 0000:00:03.3: PCI INT B -> GSI 17 (level, low) -> IRQ 17
0000:00:03.3: ttyS0 at I/O 0xef88 (irq = 17) is a 16550A
brd: module loaded
loop: module loaded
ahci 0000:00:1f.2: version 3.0
ahci 0000:00:1f.2: PCI INT D -> GSI 19 (level, low) -> IRQ 19
ahci 0000:00:1f.2: irq 48 for MSI/MSI-X
ahci: SSS flag set, parallel bus scan disabled
ahci 0000:00:1f.2: AHCI 0001.0200 32 slots 4 ports 3 Gbps 0x33 impl RAID mode
ahci 0000:00:1f.2: flags: 64bit ncq sntf stag pm led clo pmp pio slum part ccc ems sxs
ahci 0000:00:1f.2: setting latency timer to 64
scsi0 : ahci
scsi1 : ahci
scsi2 : ahci
scsi3 : ahci
scsi4 : ahci
scsi5 : ahci
ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2048 at 0xfed1c800 port 0xfed1c900 irq 48
ata2: SATA max UDMA/133 irq_stat 0x00400040, connection status changed irq 48
ata3: DUMMY
ata4: DUMMY
ata5: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2048 at 0xfed1c800 port 0xfed1cb00 irq 48
ata6: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2048 at 0xfed1c800 port 0xfed1cb80 irq 48
Fixed MDIO Bus: probed
ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver
ehci_hcd 0000:00:1a.7: PCI INT C -> GSI 22 (level, low) -> IRQ 22
ehci_hcd 0000:00:1a.7: setting latency timer to 64
ehci_hcd 0000:00:1a.7: EHCI Host Controller
ehci_hcd 0000:00:1a.7: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
ehci_hcd 0000:00:1a.7: debug port 1
ehci_hcd 0000:00:1a.7: cache line size of 64 is not supported
ehci_hcd 0000:00:1a.7: irq 22, io mem 0xfed1c400
ehci_hcd 0000:00:1a.7: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00
usb usb1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0002
usb usb1: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
usb usb1: Product: EHCI Host Controller
usb usb1: Manufacturer: Linux ehci_hcd
usb usb1: SerialNumber: 0000:00:1a.7
hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
hub 1-0:1.0: 6 ports detected
ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: PCI INT A -> GSI 20 (level, low) -> IRQ 20
ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: setting latency timer to 64
ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: EHCI Host Controller
ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: debug port 1
ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: cache line size of 64 is not supported
ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: irq 20, io mem 0xfed1c000
ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00
usb usb2: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0002
usb usb2: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
usb usb2: Product: EHCI Host Controller
usb usb2: Manufacturer: Linux ehci_hcd
usb usb2: SerialNumber: 0000:00:1d.7
hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found
hub 2-0:1.0: 6 ports detected
ohci_hcd: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver
uhci_hcd: USB Universal Host Controller Interface driver
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1a.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 20 (level, low) -> IRQ 20
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1a.0: setting latency timer to 64
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1a.0: UHCI Host Controller
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1a.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 3
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1a.0: irq 20, io base 0x00006f60
usb usb3: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001
usb usb3: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
usb usb3: Product: UHCI Host Controller
usb usb3: Manufacturer: Linux uhci_hcd
usb usb3: SerialNumber: 0000:00:1a.0
hub 3-0:1.0: USB hub found
hub 3-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1a.1: PCI INT B -> GSI 21 (level, low) -> IRQ 21
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1a.1: setting latency timer to 64
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1a.1: UHCI Host Controller
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1a.1: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 4
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1a.1: irq 21, io base 0x00006f80
usb usb4: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001
usb usb4: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
usb usb4: Product: UHCI Host Controller
usb usb4: Manufacturer: Linux uhci_hcd
usb usb4: SerialNumber: 0000:00:1a.1
hub 4-0:1.0: USB hub found
hub 4-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1a.2: PCI INT C -> GSI 22 (level, low) -> IRQ 22
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1a.2: setting latency timer to 64
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1a.2: UHCI Host Controller
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1a.2: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 5
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1a.2: irq 22, io base 0x00006fa0
usb usb5: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001
usb usb5: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
usb usb5: Product: UHCI Host Controller
usb usb5: Manufacturer: Linux uhci_hcd
usb usb5: SerialNumber: 0000:00:1a.2
hub 5-0:1.0: USB hub found
hub 5-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 20 (level, low) -> IRQ 20
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: setting latency timer to 64
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: UHCI Host Controller
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 6
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: irq 20, io base 0x00006f00
usb usb6: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001
usb usb6: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
usb usb6: Product: UHCI Host Controller
usb usb6: Manufacturer: Linux uhci_hcd
usb usb6: SerialNumber: 0000:00:1d.0
hub 6-0:1.0: USB hub found
hub 6-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.1: PCI INT B -> GSI 21 (level, low) -> IRQ 21
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.1: setting latency timer to 64
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.1: UHCI Host Controller
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.1: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 7
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.1: irq 21, io base 0x00006f20
usb usb7: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001
usb usb7: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
usb usb7: Product: UHCI Host Controller
usb usb7: Manufacturer: Linux uhci_hcd
usb usb7: SerialNumber: 0000:00:1d.1
hub 7-0:1.0: USB hub found
hub 7-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.2: PCI INT C -> GSI 22 (level, low) -> IRQ 22
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.2: setting latency timer to 64
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.2: UHCI Host Controller
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.2: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 8
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.2: irq 22, io base 0x00006f40
usb usb8: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001
usb usb8: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
usb usb8: Product: UHCI Host Controller
usb usb8: Manufacturer: Linux uhci_hcd
usb usb8: SerialNumber: 0000:00:1d.2
hub 8-0:1.0: USB hub found
hub 8-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
PNP: PS/2 Controller [PNP0303:KBC,PNP0f13:PS2M] at 0x60,0x64 irq 1,12
i8042.c: Warning: Keylock active.
serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1
serio: i8042 AUX port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12
mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
rtc_cmos 00:03: RTC can wake from S4
rtc_cmos 00:03: rtc core: registered rtc_cmos as rtc0
rtc0: alarms up to one month, y3k, 114 bytes nvram, hpet irqs
device-mapper: uevent: version 1.0.3
device-mapper: ioctl: 4.17.0-ioctl (2010-03-05) initialised: dm-devel at redhat.com
input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard as /devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input3
cpuidle: using governor ladder
cpuidle: using governor menu
usbcore: registered new interface driver hiddev
usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid
usbhid: USB HID core driver
nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (16384 buckets, 65536 max)
CONFIG_NF_CT_ACCT is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please use
nf_conntrack.acct=1 kernel parameter, acct=1 nf_conntrack module option or
sysctl net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_acct=1 to enable it.
ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
TCP cubic registered
Initializing XFRM netlink socket
NET: Registered protocol family 17
Using IPI No-Shortcut mode
PM: Resume from disk failed.
registered taskstats version 1
IMA: No TPM chip found, activating TPM-bypass!
  Magic number: 10:661:37
bdi 7:2: hash matches
rtc_cmos 00:03: setting system clock to 2010-09-25 17:00:43 UTC (1285434043)
Initalizing network drop monitor service
usb 2-5: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 2
ata1: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 300)
ata1.00: ATA-8: ST9250410ASG, 0004SDM1, max UDMA/133
ata1.00: 488397168 sectors, multi 16: LBA48 NCQ (depth 31/32)
ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133
scsi 0:0:0:0: Direct-Access     ATA      ST9250410ASG     0004 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0
sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 488397168 512-byte logical blocks: (250 GB/232 GiB)
sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off
sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Mode Sense: 00 3a 00 00
sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA
 sda: sda1 sda2 sda3
sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk
usb 2-5: New USB device found, idVendor=8086, idProduct=0182
usb 2-5: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0
usb 2-5: Product: Intel(R) WiMAX Link 5150
usb 2-5: Manufacturer: Intel(R) Corporation
input: DualPoint Stick as /devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input4
usb 5-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 2
input: AlpsPS/2 ALPS DualPoint TouchPad as /devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input5
usb 5-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0a5c, idProduct=5800
usb 5-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
usb 5-1: Product: 5880
usb 5-1: Manufacturer: Broadcom Corp
usb 5-1: SerialNumber: 0123456789ABCD
usb 5-1: config 0 descriptor??
ata2: SATA link up 1.5 Gbps (SStatus 113 SControl 300)
ata2.00: ATAPI: HL-DT-ST DVD+/-RW GU10N, A102, max UDMA/133
ata2.00: configured for UDMA/133
scsi 1:0:0:0: CD-ROM            HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GU10N    A102 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 24x/24x writer dvd-ram cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20
sr 1:0:0:0: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr0
sr 1:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 5
async/0 used greatest stack depth: 5856 bytes left
ata5: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)
ata6: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)
Freeing unused kernel memory: 1856k freed
Write protecting the kernel text: 4012k
Write protecting the kernel read-only data: 1976k
dracut: dracut-006-2.fc14
dracut: rd_NO_LUKS: removing cryptoluks activation
udev[92]: starting version 161
acpi device:37: registered as cooling_device2
input: Video Bus as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0A03:00/device:35/LNXVIDEO:00/input/input6
ACPI: Video Device [VID] (multi-head: yes  rom: no  post: no)
[Firmware Bug]: Duplicate ACPI video bus devices for the same VGA controller, please try module parameter "video.allow_duplicates=1"if the current driver doesn't work.
[drm] Initialized drm 1.1.0 20060810
nouveau 0000:01:00.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 16
nouveau 0000:01:00.0: setting latency timer to 64
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: Detected an NV50 generation card (0x298580a2)
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: Attempting to load BIOS image from PRAMIN
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: ... appears to be valid
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: BIT BIOS found
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: Bios version
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: TMDS table version 2.0
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: Found Display Configuration Block version 4.0
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: Raw DCB entry 0: 01000323 00010034
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: Raw DCB entry 1: 02011300 00000028
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: Raw DCB entry 2: 02022386 0f200010
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: Raw DCB entry 3: 02022332 00020010
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: Raw DCB entry 4: 040333a6 0f200010
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: Raw DCB entry 5: 04033312 00020010
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: DCB connector table: VHER 0x40 5 16 4
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0:   0: 0x00000040: type 0x40 idx 0 tag 0xff
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0:   1: 0x00000100: type 0x00 idx 1 tag 0xff
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0:   2: 0x00005246: type 0x46 idx 2 tag 0x07
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0:   3: 0x0000a346: type 0x46 idx 3 tag 0x08
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: Parsing VBIOS init table 0 at offset 0xDB61
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: Parsing VBIOS init table 1 at offset 0xDF66
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: Parsing VBIOS init table 2 at offset 0xE771
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: Parsing VBIOS init table 3 at offset 0xE83F
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: Parsing VBIOS init table 4 at offset 0xEAF5
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: Parsing VBIOS init table at offset 0xEB5A
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: 0xEB5A: Condition still not met after 20ms, skipping following opcodes
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: Detected 256MiB VRAM
[TTM] Zone  kernel: Available graphics memory: 415120 kiB.
[TTM] Zone highmem: Available graphics memory: 2019882 kiB.
[TTM] Initializing pool allocator.
mtrr: type mismatch for e0000000,10000000 old: write-back new: write-combining
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: 512 MiB GART (aperture)
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: Allocating FIFO number 1
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: nouveau_channel_alloc: initialised FIFO 1
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: allocated 1920x1200 fb: 0x40260000, bo f5652690
fbcon: nouveaufb (fb0) is primary device
Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 240x75
fb0: nouveaufb frame buffer device
drm: registered panic notifier
Slow work thread pool: Starting up
Slow work thread pool: Ready
[drm] Initialized nouveau 0.0.16 20090420 for 0000:01:00.0 on minor 0
modprobe used greatest stack depth: 5564 bytes left
dracut: Starting plymouth daemon
dracut: rd_NO_DM: removing DM RAID activation
dracut: rd_NO_MD: removing MD RAID activation
pata_acpi 0000:00:03.2: PCI INT C -> GSI 18 (level, low) -> IRQ 18
pata_acpi 0000:00:03.2: setting latency timer to 64
pata_acpi 0000:00:03.2: PCI INT C disabled
yenta_cardbus 0000:03:01.0: CardBus bridge found [1028:024f]
yenta_cardbus 0000:03:01.0: CardBus bridge to [bus 04-07]
yenta_cardbus 0000:03:01.0:   bridge window [io  0x5000-0x50ff]
yenta_cardbus 0000:03:01.0:   bridge window [io  0x5400-0x54ff]
yenta_cardbus 0000:03:01.0:   bridge window [mem 0xf0c00000-0xf0ffffff]
yenta_cardbus 0000:03:01.0:   bridge window [mem 0xf1000000-0xf13fffff]
sdhci: Secure Digital Host Controller Interface driver
sdhci: Copyright(c) Pierre Ossman
yenta_cardbus 0000:03:01.0: ISA IRQ mask 0x0cb8, PCI irq 19
yenta_cardbus 0000:03:01.0: Socket status: 30000006
pci_bus 0000:03: Raising subordinate bus# of parent bus (#03) from #04 to #07
yenta_cardbus 0000:03:01.0: pcmcia: parent PCI bridge window: [io  0x5000-0x5fff]
pcmcia_socket pcmcia_socket0: cs: IO port probe 0x5000-0x5fff: excluding 0x5000-0x50ff 0x5400-0x54ff
yenta_cardbus 0000:03:01.0: pcmcia: parent PCI bridge window: [mem 0xf1b00000-0xf1bfffff]
pcmcia_socket pcmcia_socket0: cs: memory probe 0xf1b00000-0xf1bfffff: excluding 0xf1b00000-0xf1b0ffff 0xf1bf0000-0xf1bfffff
sdhci-pci 0000:03:01.2: SDHCI controller found [1180:0822] (rev 21)
sdhci-pci 0000:03:01.2: PCI INT C -> GSI 18 (level, low) -> IRQ 18
Registered led device: mmc0::
mmc0: SDHCI controller on PCI [0000:03:01.2] using DMA
firewire_ohci 0000:03:01.1: PCI INT B -> GSI 17 (level, low) -> IRQ 17
firewire_ohci: Added fw-ohci device 0000:03:01.1, OHCI v1.10, 4 IR + 4 IT contexts, quirks 0x0
dracut: Scanning devices sda3  for LVM logical volumes vg_warden/lv_fedora14_i386 vg_warden/lv_swap
dracut: inactive '/dev/vg_warden/lv_swap' [5.80 GiB] inherit
dracut: inactive '/dev/vg_warden/lv_rhel6' [56.12 GiB] inherit
dracut: inactive '/dev/vg_warden/lv_fedora14_i386' [56.12 GiB] inherit
dracut: inactive '/dev/vg_warden/lv_fedora14_x86_64' [56.12 GiB] inherit
firewire_core: created device fw0: GUID 314fc00009c05641, S400
EXT4-fs (dm-1): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)
dracut: Mounted root filesystem /dev/mapper/vg_warden-lv_fedora14_i386
dracut: Loading SELinux policy
type=1404 audit(1285434049.202:2): enforcing=1 old_enforcing=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295
SELinux: 2048 avtab hash slots, 202968 rules.
SELinux: 2048 avtab hash slots, 202968 rules.
SELinux:  9 users, 14 roles, 3399 types, 178 bools, 1 sens, 1024 cats
SELinux:  77 classes, 202968 rules
SELinux:  Completing initialization.
SELinux:  Setting up existing superblocks.
SELinux: initialized (dev sysfs, type sysfs), uses genfs_contexts
SELinux: initialized (dev rootfs, type rootfs), uses genfs_contexts
SELinux: initialized (dev bdev, type bdev), uses genfs_contexts
SELinux: initialized (dev proc, type proc), uses genfs_contexts
SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses transition SIDs
SELinux: initialized (dev devtmpfs, type devtmpfs), uses transition SIDs
SELinux: initialized (dev sockfs, type sockfs), uses task SIDs
SELinux: initialized (dev debugfs, type debugfs), uses genfs_contexts
SELinux: initialized (dev pipefs, type pipefs), uses task SIDs
SELinux: initialized (dev anon_inodefs, type anon_inodefs), uses genfs_contexts
SELinux: initialized (dev devpts, type devpts), uses transition SIDs
SELinux: initialized (dev hugetlbfs, type hugetlbfs), uses transition SIDs
SELinux: initialized (dev mqueue, type mqueue), uses transition SIDs
SELinux: initialized (dev selinuxfs, type selinuxfs), uses genfs_contexts
SELinux: initialized (dev usbfs, type usbfs), uses genfs_contexts
SELinux: initialized (dev securityfs, type securityfs), uses genfs_contexts
SELinux: initialized (dev sysfs, type sysfs), uses genfs_contexts
SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses transition SIDs
SELinux: initialized (dev dm-1, type ext4), uses xattr
type=1403 audit(1285434049.894:3): policy loaded auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295
dracut: Switching root
readahead: starting
udev[522]: starting version 161
type=1400 audit(1285434052.594:4): avc:  denied  { mmap_zero } for  pid=587 comm="vbetool" scontext=system_u:system_r:vbetool_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 tcontext=system_u:system_r:vbetool_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 tclass=memprotect
microcode: CPU0 sig=0x1067a, pf=0x80, revision=0xa07
microcode: CPU1 sig=0x1067a, pf=0x80, revision=0xa07
microcode: Microcode Update Driver: v2.00 <tigran at aivazian.fsnet.co.uk>, Peter Oruba
i801_smbus 0000:00:1f.3: PCI INT B -> GSI 19 (level, low) -> IRQ 19
dcdbas dcdbas: Dell Systems Management Base Driver (version 5.6.0-3.2)
iTCO_vendor_support: vendor-support=0
pcmcia_socket pcmcia_socket0: cs: IO port probe 0x100-0x3af: clean.
pcmcia_socket pcmcia_socket0: cs: IO port probe 0x3e0-0x4ff: excluding 0x4d0-0x4d7
pcmcia_socket pcmcia_socket0: cs: IO port probe 0x820-0x8ff: clean.
pcmcia_socket pcmcia_socket0: cs: IO port probe 0xc00-0xcf7: excluding 0xc80-0xcbf
pcmcia_socket pcmcia_socket0: cs: memory probe 0x0c0000-0x0fffff: excluding 0xc0000-0xd3fff 0xf0000-0xfffff
pcmcia_socket pcmcia_socket0: cs: memory probe 0xa0000000-0xa0ffffff: excluding 0xa0000000-0xa0ffffff
pcmcia_socket pcmcia_socket0: cs: memory probe 0x60000000-0x60ffffff: excluding 0x60000000-0x60ffffff
pcmcia_socket pcmcia_socket0: cs: IO port probe 0xa00-0xaff: clean.
cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
iTCO_wdt: Intel TCO WatchDog Timer Driver v1.06
iTCO_wdt: Found a ICH9M-E TCO device (Version=2, TCOBASE=0x1060)
iTCO_wdt: initialized. heartbeat=30 sec (nowayout=0)
ACPI: WMI: Mapper loaded
e1000e: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - 1.0.2-k4
e1000e: Copyright (c) 1999 - 2009 Intel Corporation.
e1000e 0000:00:19.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 22 (level, low) -> IRQ 22
e1000e 0000:00:19.0: setting latency timer to 64
e1000e 0000:00:19.0: irq 49 for MSI/MSI-X
e1000e 0000:00:19.0: eth0: (PCI Express:2.5GB/s:Width x1) 00:24:e8:f5:81:a6
e1000e 0000:00:19.0: eth0: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Connection
e1000e 0000:00:19.0: eth0: MAC: 7, PHY: 8, PBA No: 4003ff-0ff
cfg80211: World regulatory domain updated:
    (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gain, max_eirp)
    (2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
    (2457000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 20000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
    (2474000 KHz - 2494000 KHz @ 20000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
    (5170000 KHz - 5250000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
    (5735000 KHz - 5835000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
i2400m_usb 2-5:1.0: WiMAX interface wmx0 (00:1d:e1:12:06:ec) ready
iwlagn: Intel(R) Wireless WiFi Link AGN driver for Linux, in-tree:d
iwlagn: Copyright(c) 2003-2010 Intel Corporation
iwlagn 0000:0c:00.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 17 (level, low) -> IRQ 17
iwlagn 0000:0c:00.0: setting latency timer to 64
iwlagn 0000:0c:00.0: Detected Intel(R) WiMAX/WiFi Link 5150 AGN, REV=0x44
iwlagn 0000:0c:00.0: Tunable channels: 13 802.11bg, 24 802.11a channels
iwlagn 0000:0c:00.0: irq 50 for MSI/MSI-X
iwlagn 0000:0c:00.0: loaded firmware version
input: Dell WMI hotkeys as /devices/virtual/input/input7
phy0: Selected rate control algorithm 'iwl-agn-rs'
cfg80211: Calling CRDA for country: US
cfg80211: Regulatory domain changed to country: US
    (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gain, max_eirp)
    (2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2700 mBm)
    (5170000 KHz - 5250000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 1700 mBm)
    (5250000 KHz - 5330000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
    (5490000 KHz - 5600000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
    (5650000 KHz - 5710000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
    (5735000 KHz - 5835000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 3000 mBm)
HDA Intel 0000:00:1b.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 21 (level, low) -> IRQ 21
HDA Intel 0000:00:1b.0: irq 51 for MSI/MSI-X
HDA Intel 0000:00:1b.0: setting latency timer to 64
ALSA sound/pci/hda/hda_codec.c:4435: autoconfig: line_outs=1 (0xf/0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0)
ALSA sound/pci/hda/hda_codec.c:4439:    speaker_outs=1 (0xd/0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0)
ALSA sound/pci/hda/hda_codec.c:4443:    hp_outs=1 (0xa/0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0)
ALSA sound/pci/hda/hda_codec.c:4444:    mono: mono_out=0x0
ALSA sound/pci/hda/hda_codec.c:4455:    inputs: mic=0xb, fmic=0xe, line=0x0, fline=0x0, cd=0x0, aux=0x0
ALSA sound/pci/hda/patch_sigmatel.c:3014: stac92xx: dac_nids=1 (0x10/0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0)
input: HDA Intel Mic at Sep Left Jack as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0/input8
input: HDA Intel Mic at Ext Right Jack as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0/input9
input: HDA Intel Line Out at Sep Left Jack as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0/input10
input: HDA Intel HP Out at Ext Right Jack as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0/input11
i2400m_usb 2-5:1.0: firmware interface version 9.3.2
usbcore: registered new interface driver i2400m_usb
EXT4-fs (dm-1): re-mounted. Opts: (null)
EXT4-fs (sda2): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)
SELinux: initialized (dev sda2, type ext4), uses xattr
Adding 6078460k swap on /dev/mapper/vg_warden-lv_swap.  Priority:-1 extents:1 across:6078460k
SELinux: initialized (dev binfmt_misc, type binfmt_misc), uses genfs_contexts
NET: Registered protocol family 10
lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions
ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
e1000e 0000:00:19.0: irq 49 for MSI/MSI-X
e1000e 0000:00:19.0: irq 49 for MSI/MSI-X
ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
RPC: Registered udp transport module.
RPC: Registered tcp transport module.
RPC: Registered tcp NFSv4.1 backchannel transport module.
SELinux: initialized (dev rpc_pipefs, type rpc_pipefs), uses genfs_contexts
ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: Allocating FIFO number 2
[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: nouveau_channel_alloc: initialised FIFO 2
fuse init (API version 7.14)
SELinux: initialized (dev fusectl, type fusectl), uses genfs_contexts
SELinux: initialized (dev fuse, type fuse), uses genfs_contexts
wlan0: deauthenticating from 00:14:6c:3f:54:f6 by local choice (reason=3)
wlan0: authenticate with 00:14:6c:3f:54:f6 (try 1)
wlan0: authenticated
wlan0: associate with 00:14:6c:3f:54:f6 (try 1)
wlan0: RX AssocResp from 00:14:6c:3f:54:f6 (capab=0x411 status=0 aid=3)
wlan0: associated
ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan0: link becomes ready
wlan0: no IPv6 routers present
wlan0: deauthenticating from 00:14:6c:3f:54:f6 by local choice (reason=3)
cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
cfg80211: Calling CRDA for country: US
cfg80211: Regulatory domain changed to country: US
    (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gain, max_eirp)
    (2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2700 mBm)
    (5170000 KHz - 5250000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 1700 mBm)
    (5250000 KHz - 5330000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
    (5490000 KHz - 5600000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
    (5650000 KHz - 5710000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
    (5735000 KHz - 5835000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 3000 mBm)
iwlagn 0000:0c:00.0: PCI INT A disabled
CE: hpet increased min_delta_ns to 7500 nsec
wimaxcu used greatest stack depth: 5424 bytes left
wimaxcu used greatest stack depth: 5284 bytes left

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