On 12/16/2012 02:13 PM, Business Kid wrote:
This is, I think, a webcam built into the Samsung 350V model NP350E7C-A05UK. I can't see it in windoze 8's pathetic excuse for a 'control panel' or the latest usb.ids. I Imagine 2232 is registered somewhere as a manufacturer but I've no hint who made it. If it's not the webcam, it's probably an sd card reader. The box is supposed to have both, but I only see the webcam. The spec just says "1.3 MP Camera." More to the point, I imagine there are fewer webcam chips than web camera makers in the world, so a driver may indeed already exist for it, or something similar. I will have linux installed on this by the end of the week. I'm limited by the UEFI under the windows 8 implementation as Samsung have it is an absolute disaster area for dual boot, so I'm buying an ssd and will install with secure boot disabled asap. I already have linux-3.6.10 compiled for the box(with every webcam module), and can try a few things then. In the meantime, any hints welcome.
Not sure how to track down the manufacturer, but these days I think webcams need to use a UVC interface in order to get Windows logo certification, so it's likely to already be supported by the kernel.
How do I even find who manufacturer "2232" is? -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-usb" in the body of a message to majordomo-u79uwXL29TY76Z2rM5mHXA@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html
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