Here's the 004 release of usbutils. This fixes a much reported bug with USB devices that users didn't have permissions to access, and a few other reported problems as well. The package can be downladed from We've switched over to using git for development now, which makes things much easier than the old cvs tree. The tree can be found on both and if you want to fork it and send us changes easier: thanks, greg k-h ----------- Carl-Daniel Hailfinger (2): Fix lsusb out-of-bounds write Fix lsusb double-free Dafydd Crosby (2): Verbose flag in tree mode shows vendor and product name. When running `lsusb -tv`, devices should have the vendor and product name appended to the row. Fix compiler warning Greg Kroah-Hartman (2): Merge pull request #2 from nphilipp/master--nphilipp Merge pull request #3 from dafyddcrosby/lsusb-tv Nils Philippsen (1): don't use invalid config descriptors -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-usb" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at