(Fix Michal's email address) Hi Michal, In the other thread ( https://lkml.org/lkml/2011/3/21/157 ), I mentioned that there is a potential bug with this inf file under Vista or Windows 7 which is pointed out by Tsuneo in this Microchip forum thread. http://www.microchip.com/forums/fb.ashx?m=488342 linux-cdc-acm.inf is based on Microchip's inf file so it will suffer the same problem. ++++++++++++++++++ Bug fix of microchip INF files mchpcdc.inf (and its derivatives) [DestinationDirs] FakeModemCopyFileSection=12 ; <------ add this line DefaultDestDir=12 [DriverInstall.nt] include=mdmcpq.inf ;; CopyFiles = DriverCopyFiles.nt ; <------ wrong one: reference to this INF file CopyFiles = FakeModemCopyFileSection ; <------ right one: reference to a section in mdmcpq.inf AddReg=DriverInstall.nt.AddReg ;; [DriverCopyFiles.nt] ; <------ delete these lines ;; usbser.sys,,,0x20 a) Source location of usbser.sys There is no difference on the CDC (usbser.sys) INF file among Win XP, Vista and 7. The major difference lies in the pre-installation of usbser.sys to the driver folder on each PC. Most of Win XP pre-install still have usbser.sys in the driver folder, For Vista and 7, usbser.sys is not installed there, but it is held in the installation archive. When INF [SourceDisk] section points to this archive correctly, usbser.sys is copied from the archive. MS has warned to us not to refer usbser.sys source location directly on our custom INF file. Instead, they suggest to "include" mdmcpq.inf AND refer to "FakeModemCopyFileSection" (awful naming sense) section, because mdmcpq.inf of each pre-installation knows the right place on which the original usbser.sys exists (*2). Just writing "include = mdmcpq.inf" does nothing. Refer to the section, "FakeModemCopyFileSection", correctly. Current version of Microchip INF file works just when usbser.sys has been already copied to the driver folder manually, or by another right INF file. +++++++++++++++++++++++ Reference: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/837637 Maybe you did not notice this thread. You may want to test this and then update this file. Just delete usbser.sys from your driver folder and then try it to see if the inf file will fail, especially under Vista or Win7. -- Xiaofan -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-usb" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html