Re: [PATCH] EHCI: fix DMA deallocation bug

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On 06-01-2011 18:17, Alan Stern wrote:

This patch (as1440) fixes a bug in ehci-hcd.  ehci->periodic_size is
used to compute the size in a dma_alloc_coherent() call, but then it
gets changed later on.  As a result, the corresponding call to
dma_free_coherent() passes a different size from the original
allocation.  Fix the problem by adjusting ehci->periodic_size before
carrying out any of the memory allocations.
Signed-off-by: Alan Stern<stern@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Tested-by: Larry Finger<Larry.Finger@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
CC: David Brownell<david-b@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Index: usb-2.6/drivers/usb/host/ehci-hcd.c
--- usb-2.6.orig/drivers/usb/host/ehci-hcd.c
+++ usb-2.6/drivers/usb/host/ehci-hcd.c
@@ -571,11 +573,20 @@ static int ehci_init(struct usb_hcd *hcd
  	ehci->periodic_size = DEFAULT_I_TDPS;
+	if (HCC_PGM_FRAMELISTLEN(hcc_params)) {
+		/* periodic schedule size can be smaller than default */
+		switch (EHCI_TUNE_FLS) {
+		case 0: ehci->periodic_size = 1024; break;
+		case 1: ehci->periodic_size = 512; break;
+		case 2: ehci->periodic_size = 256; break;
   I undertand that you're only moving the code but this should cause to complain because it thinks that trailing statements should be 
on the next line after the *case*...
+		default:	BUG();
+		}
+	}
  	if ((retval = ehci_mem_init(ehci, GFP_KERNEL))<  0)
  		return retval;

  	/* controllers may cache some of the periodic schedule ... */
-	hcc_params = ehci_readl(ehci,&ehci->caps->hcc_params);
  	if (HCC_ISOC_CACHE(hcc_params))		// full frame cache
  		ehci->i_thresh = 2 + 8;
  	else					// N microframes cached
@@ -629,12 +640,6 @@ static int ehci_init(struct usb_hcd *hcd
  		/* periodic schedule size can be smaller than default */
  		temp&= ~(3<<  2);
  		temp |= (EHCI_TUNE_FLS<<  2);
-		switch (EHCI_TUNE_FLS) {
-		case 0: ehci->periodic_size = 1024; break;
-		case 1: ehci->periodic_size = 512; break;
-		case 2: ehci->periodic_size = 256; break;
-		default:	BUG();
-		}
  	if (HCC_LPM(hcc_params)) {
  		/* support link power management EHCI 1.1 addendum */

WBR, Sergei
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